ADRA Timor-Leste, under Hakbiit Feto Project, signed the Agreement with Four Women Focused CSOs to Implement a Farmer Field and Climate School Programme in Four Municipalities, supported by the EU


The Hakbiit Feto Project marked another landmark by signing a sub-grant agreement with four more women-focused Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to empower women in Timor-Leste. Fundasaun Esperança, Fundasaun Kolegas Da Pas, Fundasaun Haburas Moris and Centro Nossa Senhora do Rosario are the awarded CSOs, who have successfully completed the Farmer Field and Climate School, and Agro-Business Training of Trainers. 
Through this agreement, these CSOs will receive sufficient funding to establish, train, monitor and mentor fifteen Farmer Field School and Climate Adaptation groups in Ainaro, Baucau, Bobonaro, and Dili in 2022. The groups will also receive basic supporting materials for their farming activities, as well as regular coaching and monitoring to guarantee the sustainability of this income generating activities. Trainings will also include relevant sessions on gender issues, prevention of domestic violence and gender-based violence. There will be also at least two water systems installed in each municipality.  
Hakbiit Feto aims to strengthen the capacity of Timorese women’s groups in the field of good agricultural practices and market linkages. The training for women farmers’ groups focuses on how to increase the quantity and the quality of local crops that have been identified through market assessment and value chain mapping, such as red and black rice, peanut, maze, potatoes, onion, garlic, and horticulture commodities, by applying a climate adaptation and land conservation approach.  

“Change is on the way for Timorese women. The EU is glad that these four CSOs are joining Hakbiit Feto to fight for gender equality in Timor-Leste. This is what we call women’s empowerment. Nothing about them, without them”, said Karla da Silva Leitzke, European Union Programme Officer responsible for civil society and gender.

The project is enabling women, especially vulnerable women in rural and urban areas in Timor-Leste, to join relevant groups, to take their present and future lives into their hands, having a safe space to express their thoughts and plans that will increase their confidence, strengthen their social skills, and build their social relationships at the community level, so they can be stronger together.

Hakbiit Feto Project will be working for 4 years to empower Timorese women socially and economically. How? Through strengthening CSOs to operate effectively to support development and women’s empowerment, promoting supportive relationships within families for participation in society and economic activities, and supporting women’s engagement in society and the economy through participation in value chains and market systems. ADRA Timor-Leste in partnership with Rede Feto Timor-Leste is implementing this project, proudly financed by the European Union, and co-financed by the Austrian Development Agency.