UCCLA, AMD, and AEMTL signed a Memorandum of Understanding to foster Female Entrepreneurship

The Union of Portuguese Language Capital Cities (UCCLA) in partnership with the Dili Municipal Authority (AMD) and the Women's Business Association of Timor-Leste (AEMTL) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to increase female entrepreneurship in the Dili city.


The MoU was signed at the AMD headquarters in Dili by representatives from UCCLA AEMTL and the Ministry of State Administration on behalf of AMD. This agreement is part of the “Partnership for Strengthening Urban Governance, Social Inclusion and Promotion of Entrepreneurship in Dili”, a programme financed by the European Union, which also involves the Lisbon City Council.

The aim of the MoU is to promote a Youth Entrepreneurship Competition with the topic "Ideas - Díli Inovar”, which will be launched on 7th of September this year.

The “Ideias - Díli Inovar” initiative has the goal to encourage young women to explore business opportunities and to help the creation of new businesses and jobs, helping to boost economic growth in the city of Dili.

The pre-selected applicants of this “Ideias - Díli Inovar” contest will receive training and mentoring from the Institute for Business Development Support (IADE) and AEMTL to help them develop their business skills and to improve their business ideas, in connection with other local women entrepreneurs.

The First Counsellor of the European Union Delegation in Timor-Leste, Dörthe Wacker highlighted the important role played by small and medium enterprises (SMEs). “(The SMEs) are the backbone of a well-functioning economy providing jobs and livelihoods for people and generating economic growth”.

The president of AEMTL, Hergui Luina Alves added: this work collaboration with AMD would help empower young females through entrepreneurship so that they can learn to organise their business and later raise their economic and sustain their family.   

As part of this EU-supported project with the municipality of Dili, local band THE KRAKEN has composed a new song entitled "Dili Inclusivo". The song conveys a message: together in partnership, we can achieve stronger and more capable urban governance with social inclusion and Dili entrepreneurship for a prosperous city.

Audio file
EU and the KRAKEN band