HRC 51 - EU Intervention: Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar (oral progress report)

The EU thanks the Special Rapporteur for his oral progress report and his work.

Five years since the beginning of its horrific attacks in Rakhine, the Myanmar military continues its attack against the people of Myanmar, targeting the Rohingya and persons belonging to other minorities in particular, as well as all those that speak out against the coup.

The recent executions of pro-democracy actors following unfair trials are another step towards the complete dismantling of the rule of law in Myanmar.

 The EU once again condemns the military coup, and calls for justice and accountability for all violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law. All acts of violence against civilians must end, including sexual and gender-based violence, violence against women, children, human rights defenders, religious minorities, journalists and media workers. All those arbitrarily detained must be released immediately and unconditionally.

We also call for full, safe and unimpeded humanitarian access to all persons in need; ensuring the safety of humanitarian personnel; and the creation of the necessary conditions for a voluntary, safe, dignified and sustainable return of refugees and internally displaced persons.


Finally, we call upon all UN Member States to end all supply, sale and transfer of arms to the Myanmar armed and security forces.


Special Rapporteur,


How does the current geopolitical climate affect the human rights crisis in Myanmar?