ILO Governing Body 340th session - EU Statement PFA 2‎: Preview of the Programme and Budget Proposals for 2022 - 23 (2nd reading)



Thank you Chair. I speak on behalf of the European Union and its Member States. The Candidate Countries The Republic of North Macedonia*, Montenegro* and Albania* and the EFTA country Norway, member of the European Economic Area align themselves with this statement.We support the IMEC statement.

The European Union and its Member States thank once more the Office for this Preview of the Programme and Budget proposals for 2022-23 reflecting the Centenary Declaration, the 2030 Agenda, the Strategic Plan and the impacts of the pandemic in the world of work. 

We point out the importance of maintaining policy outcomes on priorities that are key to fulfilling ILO’s mandate in order to address the new challenges as well as the opportunities arising in the world of work. The EU and its MS would like to recall the group´s priorities that are the promotion of decent work in global supply chains, OSH as a fundamental right, social protection for all as well as a just transition towards green economies.

Chair, after the Director Generals’ reply, the European Union and its Member States are confident that the Office will present next March a balanced Program and Budget based on an integrated and results-oriented framework. The EU and its member states are happy to engage constructively in these discussions. With this, chair, we can support the decision point.Thank you. 

________________*The Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.