ILO Governing Body 340th session - EU Statement POL 4: Sectoral meetings held in 2020 and proposals for sectoral work in 2021



This statement is made on behalf of the European Union and its Member states. The Candidate Countries Montenegro* and Albania* and the EFTA country Norway, member of the European Economic Area as well as Armenia, align themselves with this statement.

We support the IMEC statement.

The proposed decision provides under (d) for the possible inclusion of an additional meeting in the programme of global sectoral meetings for the biennium 2020-21 on either the protection of whistle-blowers or another sectoral issue.

In this regard, we would like to indicate for the record, our interest in having a future sectoral meeting on the impact of COVID-19 on the tourism sector. Across the globe, the tourism ecosystem has been severely impacted by the Coronavirus outbreak. Specific support measures have been taken in the European Union for recovery in this sector, which represents on average 12% of its employment. We would consider a tripartite discussion within the ILO to be very timely on how to face the challenges posed and use this crisis as an opportunity to improve the sustainability and resilience of tourism, in particular through up-skilling and re-skilling employees.

The EU and its Member States see merit in the relevance of a meeting on the protection of whistle-blowers. However, should an agreement be reached for an additional meeting on another sectoral issue as provided for in the draft decision point, it is our view that  a discussion on the tourism sector should be given  priority. In that regard the relevant work of the Office in response to the COVID-19 pandemic could serve as a solid basis for its preparation.  

Should it not be possible to include a sectoral meeting on this matter in the current biennium, the EU and Member States would wish to ensure that it is discussed at the Sectoral Advisory Meeting in January 2021, so that this important issue can be on the schedule of meetings for biennium 2022-23.


*The Republic of Montenegro and Albania continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.