ILO Governing Body 340th session - EU Statement POL 6: ILO Development Cooperation Strategy 2020 - 25 (2nd reading)



Thank you, Chairperson,

I speak on behalf of the EU and its Member States.

The Candidate Country the Republic of North Macedonia*, Montenegro* and Albania* align themselves with this statement.

EU aligns with the IMEC statement.

The EU would like to thank the Office for proactively taking on board the guidance provided by the GB at the first discussion on this agenda item on Thursday last.

As outlined in the 2018 Resolution, the 2030 Agenda supported by the three dimensions of sustainable development; social; economic and environmental, endeavors to leave no one behind and places the ILO Decent Work Agenda at its core.  With its tripartite configuration, and normative role, the ILO is uniquely positioned to influence the reform of the UN development system to enhance the effectiveness of development cooperation and contribute towards achieving the SDGs.

The EU and its MS supports an ILO Development Cooperation Strategy that is focussed on identified priorities, is results orientated, has clear performance indicators and delivery timelines until 2025. Noting that the emphasis of the draft Strategy is primarily on funding and processes, it welcomes the proposal of the Office to develop an Implementation Plan for submission to the March Governing Body, with a commitment to providing the clarity requested, in terms of actions and indicators,  in respect of the four areas of focus namely; Service to Constituents, Partnerships for Policy Coherence, Partnerships for Funding and Efficiency, Decent Work Results and Transparency.

The EU endorses the proposed midterm review of the Strategy, as well as the mid-term review of the Implementation Plan. This will ensure that the Strategy and Implementation Plan remains relevant and focussed on the delivery of its key objectives.

The EU and its Member States also welcome the commitment by the Office to engage in meaningful consultation with all constituents between the Governing Body meetings and are happy work with the Office in this regard.

On that basis the EU can support the amended decision point as put forward by the office.


*The Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.