UNHCR - 83 rd session of the Standing Committee - EU Statement: Agenda item 3 a) iv. Regional update Europe


Mr Chair, Deputy High Commissioner, distinguished delegates,

I am speaking on behalf of the EU and its Member States. The Candidate Countries Albania*, the Republic of North Macedonia[*],  Montenegro*, and Serbia*, the country of the Stabilisation and Association Process and potential candidate Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine align themselves with this statement.

1.       UNHCR was created 70 years ago to help millions of people who had fled and lost their homes during the horrors of the Second World War. Throughout these seven decades, the world has seen numerous new wars and conflicts and the number of refugees kept growing. UNHCR has been there to support and help alleviate the suffering and find solutions for those uprooted and displaced. Today, Europe needs this support. As a result of  Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, we are now witnessing one of the fastest growing refugee crises in the history of UNHCR. In less than two weeks since the senseless military attack began, more than two million Ukrainians and other nationals have been forced to flee the country. Millions more live in fear and are in desperate need of help in Ukraine. These are dark days not only for Ukraine and its people, but also for Europe and the whole world.

2.       Let us be clear. Russia’s armed attack against Ukraine – an independent and sovereign State – is a flagrant violation of international law, including the UN Charter, and the core principles on which the international rules-based order is built. The EU and its Member States condemn in the strongest possible terms the unprovoked, unjustified, and unlawful invasion of Ukraine by the armed forces of the Russian Federation. We reiterate our unwavering support and commitment to Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders. The EU demands President Putin to immediately cease the Russian military aggression and unconditionally withdraw all forces and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine. We also strongly condemn the involvement of Belarus in this unlawful aggression and reiterate our call on it to refrain from such action abide by its international obligations.

3.       We stand firmly by Ukraine and its people. We deplore the loss of life and human suffering. We are extremely worried about the humanitarian impact in Ukraine and the region. This is a humanitarian catastrophe unfolding at our doorsteps. In the face of this unprecedented crisis, the EU has shown extraordinary unity and solidarity. The EU, its Member States and citizens are doing everything we can to help and support the people of Ukraine and others fleeing this senseless war.

4.       EU Member States have kept their borders open for everyone fleeing the war. We are committed to provide safety and shelter for all people fleeing Ukraine, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, religion or colour of their skin. We are providing protection to all Ukrainians and third country nationals who have made Ukraine their home, as well as their family members, and are facilitating repatriation for third country nationals looking for a safe way home.

5.       We commend Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, and the Republic of Moldova, for their exemplary solidarity and generosity for those fleeing Russia’s bombs and seeking safety across the borders. We are proud to see the outpouring of support from communities and individuals across European countries, giving those fleeing a warm welcome.

6.       Last week, the EU agreed to activate, for the first time ever, the temporary protection directive. Under this mechanism, people fleeing the war will be granted temporary protection in the EU, meaning that they will be given a residence permit, and have access to education and the labour market. Ukrainian nationals and their family members, will be entitled to protection across the European Union. Non-Ukrainian nationals and stateless people legally residing in Ukraine who cannot return to their country or region of origin, such as asylum seekers or beneficiaries of international protection and their family members, will also be granted protection in the EU.

7.       The EU and its Member States are providing urgently needed humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian population. The EU Civil Protection Mechanism was immediately activated, channelling material assistance such as medicine, power generators and water pumps to Ukraine, as well as to Moldova. We have committed significant funding to the UN Humanitarian Flash Appeal and Regional Refugee Response Plan for Ukraine that was launched last week, including EUR 500 million from the EU budget announced by Commission President von der Leyen. Let me stress that these contributions are new funding, and will not divert funding from other humanitarian crisis, which will continue to receive our fullest attention.

8.       Over the past eight years, the EU and its Member States have addressed and supported the needs of vulnerable people, including women, children and the elderly, in eastern Ukraine, on both sides of the Contact Line. Our principled humanitarian assistance benefits vulnerable people living on both sides of the frontline, and let us make it clear: this will continue.

9.       We commend UNHCR and its partners – including local NGOs – for staying and delivering inside Ukraine and for scaling up its operations in Ukraine and its neighbouring countries. We recognize the courageous efforts by your staff, and partner organisations, in this dangerous and difficult situation and call on all humanitarian actors to continue working in a coordinated and complementary manner.

10.     The EU and its Member States urgently call on Russia and Russia-backed armed groups to fully comply with their obligations under international law, including International Humanitarian Law and to allow and facilitate rapid, safe and unimpeded humanitarian access and assistance. The recent agreement on safe passage for humanitarian convoys to enter, and safe passage for civilians to leave, conflict areas must be implemented and respected. Civilians and civilian infrastructures are not military targets, they must be protected. Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited under international humanitarian law. Let us not forget that the very principle of distinction between civilians and combatants was first set out in the Saint Petersburg Declaration of 1868.

Mr Chair,

11.     We all know, that no amount of aid can ever make up or compensate for the loss of lives, homes, and hopes of those fleeing. There are no winners in wars. The overwhelming support for the UN General Assembly resolution last week sent a loud and clear message: Russia must end its hostilities in Ukraine. Stop the war now. The EU and its Member States stand with Ukraine, its people and all those affected by this senseless war.


[*] The Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Albania continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.