EU Intervention – UN General Assembly 3rd Committee: Interactive dialogue on Human Rights in the Central African Republic

23 October 2023, New York – European Union Intervention at the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee Interactive Dialogue with Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Central African Republic





The European Union thanks the Independent Expert for his presentation.

The human rights situation in the Central African Republic remains fragile. Civilians are the first victims of the abuses committed by armed groups, the Wagner group and the Central African defence and security forces. We are particularly concerned about violations of children's rights and sexual violence committed with impunity.

The EU commends the work of MINUSCA and its Human Rights Division in documenting violations committed in the Central African Republic. 

We underline the importance of effective implementation by all parties of the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation (APPR) and the Luanda Roadmap. The EU reiterates its support for the regional efforts and those of the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative on CAR in recent months to support the peace process. These efforts must continue in order to consolidate Government authority and strengthen the confidence in the institutions. The withdrawal of Russian mercenaries is a necessary step for achieving lasting peace and improving the humanitarian situation.

The EU encourages the authorities to guarantee the civil and political rights of all Central Africans and to create conditions that would allow to the holding of inclusive, transparent, fair and democratic elections so that all voices can be heard, including those of women and youth,.

Mr. Independent Expert,

You have highlighted the need for greater involvement in mechanisms to
combat impunity. How can the international community best assist in these efforts?


Thank you.