EU Intervention – UN General Assembly 3rd Committee: Interactive dialogue on Human Rights in the DPRK

23 October 2023, New York – European Union Intervention at the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on on the situation of human rights in the DPRK




The EU would like to thank the Special Rapporteur for her important work and for her report, which focusses on the impact of the prolonged state of conflict on human rights and the interlinkages between human rights, peace and security.


As penholder of the resolutions on the human rights situation in the DPRK in the General Assembly and in the Human Rights Council, the EU remains a steadfast supporter of the mandate.


Ten years after the establishment of the Commission of Inquiry, this report once again shows that the deteriorating human rights and humanitarian situation in the country continues to require international attention.


We remain appalled by the past and ongoing widespread and systematic human rights violations, some of which may constitute crimes against humanity. We urge the DPRK to grant access for international humanitarian staff and assistance, to resume dialogue with the international community, and to reopen its borders to allow the return of the international community as a whole.


The EU calls on the DPRK to meaningfully engage with the UN human rights system, notably with the Special Rapporteur. The EU stands ready to support any such engagement.


Mme Special Rapporteur,


We fully agree that respect for human rights and the rule of law are essential elements in building sustainable peace and security. We share your assessment that the extreme militarization in the DPRK would not be possible without politics of repression resulting in violations of fundamental freedoms and other human rights.


How can the UN membership, not least countries in the region, best support you in your efforts to achieve a meaningful dialogue and cooperation with the authorities in DPRK?


Thank you