EU Statement – UN Fifth Committee: Investing in prevention and peacebuilding

12 May 2022, New York - Statement on behalf of the Member States of the European Union delivered by Mr. Axel von Schwerin, Counsellor, Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations, at the 76th Session of the General Assembly Fifth Committee Second Resumed Session: Investing in prevention and peacebuilding

Mr. Chair,


I have the honor to speak on behalf of the Member States of the European Union.


Two weeks ago, the high-level meeting on Financing for Peacebuilding gave the General Assembly an opportunity to advance possible solutions and make commitments to address the identified financing gap for prevention and peacebuilding in the context of fast-changing, protracted and complex violent conflicts.


The European Union and its member states remain steadfast supporters of global peacebuilding and conflict prevention. We share the same fundamental values and strive towards the same goals as the UN: maintenance of international peace and security and the promotion of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. The European Union is firm in its belief that the rules-based multilateral order – with the UN at its core – is key to meeting today’s challenges and building and sustaining peace.


But even with more efficiency, better integration of the prevention agenda and more donors, there is no doubt that new ways of funding UN peacebuilding have to be explored to ensure adequate, stable and predictable funding for UN peacebuilding. Voluntary contributions have shown to be insufficient against the growing peacebuilding needs, and we recognize that assessed contributions would offer a crucial addition to adequate and predictable financing for peacebuilding.


We are encouraged by the cross-regional statement delivered by H.E. Mr. Osama Abdelkhalek, Permanent Representative of Egypt, and cosponsored by 108 member States, including all EU Member States. We remain committed and stand ready to engage on the basis of the proposal laid out by the Secretary General and to consider all options available, including voluntary, assessed and innovative financing.


I thank you, Mr. Chair.