EU Statement – UN General Assembly 3rd Committee : Interactive dialogue on Iran

24 October 2023, New York – European Union Statement at the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee Interactive Dialogue with Javaid Rehman, Special Rapporteur on Iran


Mr/Ms Chair,


The EU would like to thank the Special Rapporteur for his presentation and his latest report. We continue to urge the Iranian authorities to grant him immediate and unfettered access to visit the country.

Mr Special Rapporteur,

We would like to hear more from you on the following two issues:

First, we note with concern that the use of force appears to be the default response by authorities to those exercising their right to peaceful assembly. Moreover, you mention in your report that more than 20.000 persons have been arrested, which is deeply worrying. The Secretary-General notes that the disproportionate use of force by security forces has led to the deaths of over 500 persons, including women and children. We deplore the lack of subsequent investigation or accountability.

Could you tell us more about the situation of human rights lawyers, and journalists and others who are currently detained in Iran?


Secondly, on the death penalty, the Secretary-General noted a steep increase in executions compared to the same period last year. The European Union strongly opposes the death penalty at all times and in all circumstances, and aims at its universal abolition.


What more can be done to prompt the government of Iran take to halt the executions of in particular child offenders, persons sentenced to death for drug-related offences, and persons sentenced to death for their involvement in the protests and commute their sentences as appropriate?


Thirdly, the Secretary-General noted the introduction of new legislative and policy developments that may further reinforce discrimination against women and girls.


Can you tell us more about these new legislative and policy developments?



Thank you.