EU Statement – UN General Assembly: Debate on the Use of the Veto (item 63/Gaza)

8 April 2024, New York - European Union Statement by H.E. Mr. Stavros Lambrinidis, Ambassador, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations, 66th Plenary Meeting at the General Assembly on ‘the use of the veto’ Item 63 (Debate pursuant to resolution 76/262)


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Thank you Mr President,

The EU welcomes the convening of this debate following the vetoes cast on 22 March.

 We also welcome the efforts that led to the adoption of resolution 2728 on 25 March, which demands an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan leading to a lasting sustainable ceasefire, and the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.

The EU stresses that Security Council resolutions are binding and calls for their immediate implementation. The EU stands ready to give its full support and will continue making every effort to alleviate the dire humanitarian suffering in Gaza. This includes our strong support to the UN and other humanitarian actors, and we urge cooperation and coordination with the UN to allow them to deliver on their important work. The EU stresses the importance of respecting and implementing the orders of the ICJ, which are legally binding and notes its provisional measures of 26 January and 28 March, which must be implemented immediately. All parties must respect international law, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law.

The EU is appalled by the unprecedented loss of civilian lives, the critical humanitarian situation in Gaza and the imminent risk of famine caused by the insufficient entry of aid. Ending the civilian suffering and preventing further loss of life is an absolute priority. Safety for humanitarian workers is paramount. In this regard we deplore the unprecedented number who have been killed in Gaza, including an unprecedented number of humanitarian workers, including recently, staff of the World Central Kitchen by IDF strikes.

Full, rapid, safe and unhindered humanitarian access into and throughout the Gaza Strip via all routes is essential to provide the civilian population with life-saving assistance and basic services at scale. The EU welcomes the Amalthea Initiative opening a maritime route for emergency assistance from Cyprus to Gaza, which supplements land routes that remain the main way to deliver the volumes needed. Additional land routes and crossings are urgently needed.

Mr President,

The EU recalls its condemnation of Hamas in the strongest possible terms for its brutal and indiscriminate terrorist attacks across Israel on 7 October 2023, recognising Israel’s right to defend itself in line with international law and international humanitarian law. The EU takes note of the reports by Special Representative Patten and is appalled by the sexual violence during the 7 October attacks.  The EU supports investigations into all allegations of sexual violence, noting the reports by Special Rapporteur Alsalem.

We urge the Israeli government not to undertake a ground operation in Rafah where more than a million Palestinians are currently seeking safety and access to humanitarian assistance. Immediate measures should be taken to prevent any further population displacement and provide safe shelter to the population to ensure that civilians are protected at all times.

The EU stresses that the services UNRWA provides in Gaza and across the region are essential. We welcome the swift launch by the UN of an internal investigation and external review following the serious allegations against 12 UNRWA staff and further decisive action by the UN to ensure accountability and strengthening control and oversight.

Mr President,

The EU remains gravely concerned about the situation in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, where settlement expansion and settler violence have reached record levels. The EU condemns Israeli Government decisions to further expand illegal settlements across the occupied West Bank and urges Israel to reverse these decisions. Settlements are illegal under international law and constitute an obstacle to peace. Israel must stop settlement expansion and ‘legalisation’; prevent settler violence and ensure the perpetrators of crimes are held accountable.

The EU remains firmly committed to a lasting and sustainable peace based on the two-state solution. Palestinians and Israelis have an equal right to live in safety, dignity and peace. We call on all parties to refrain from actions that undermine the principle of the two-state solution and the viability of a future Palestinian state. The EU stands ready to contribute to reviving a political process.

In this highly tense regional situation, it is imperative to show utmost restraint, notably in Lebanon and the Red Sea. The EU has launched Operation ASPIDES to safeguard freedom of navigation and the security of seafarers in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the broader region. The principle of the inviolability of diplomatic and consular premises and personnel must be respected in all cases and in all circumstances in accordance with international law. Further escalation in the region is in no one’s interest.