EU Statement – UN General Assembly: Declaration on the 30th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development

3 May 2024, New York - Statement on behalf of the EU and its Member States at the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly: Declaration on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development



Madame Chair, Excellencies, colleagues,


I have the honour to speak on behalf of the EU and its Member States.


The Candidate Countries North Macedonia*, Montenegro*, Albania*, the Republic of Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina* and Georgia align themselves with this statement.


The ICPD Programme of Action remains as relevant today as it was 30 years ago.


We welcome that the declaration renews the determination to advance its full, effective and accelerated implementation.


It demonstrates progress and commitment to further work on this unfinished agenda with a sense of urgency, duty, and responsibility. We owe it to all, especially youth, adolescents, women, girls, and marginalized groups, we can leave no one behind.


The Declaration refers to ‘relevant multilateral processes’ interlinked with ICPD. Summit of the Future is one of them.


We have recommitted to the ICPD Programme of Action centered around the rights of all persons.  Realizing human rights is essential especially for young people to make choices about their bodies, and fulfil their potential.


The EU and its Member States, together with many other delegations, engaged constructively in the negotiations to reach a consensus outcome. The still unfinished agenda includes human rights, eliminating all forms of discrimination, sexual- and gender-based violence, youth, adolescents, maternal health, HIV services, child and forced marriage, and marginalised communities.


The EU remains committed to the promotion, protection and fulfilment of all human rights and to the full and effective implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the Progamme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and the outcomes of their review conferences and remains committed to the sexual and reproductive health and rights, in this context. Having  that  in  mind,  the  EU reaffirms its  commitment  to the  promotion,  protection  and fulfilment  of the  right  of every  individual  to have  full  control  over, and decide  freely  and  responsibly  on matters  related  to their  sexuality and sexual  and reproductive health,  free  from  discrimination,  coercion  and violence.  The  EU further  stresses the  need for  universal  access to quality  and affordable  comprehensive  sexual and reproductive  health  information,  education,  including  comprehensive  sexuality  education, and health-care  services.

We stand ready to work together with all UN Member States, civil society representatives, and all other relevant stakeholders to make the ICPD agenda a reality for all.


Thank you.


* North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.