EU Statement – UN General Assembly: Interactive dialogue with PGA candidate H.E. Mr. Philemon Yang

8 May 2023, New York - Statement on behalf of the European Union and its Member States UN General Assembly: Interactive Dialogue with the candidate for the position of the President of the 79th UNGA,  H.E. Mr. Philemon Yang (of Cameroon)





It is my honour to be interacting with you on behalf of the European Union and its Members States. The Candidate Countries Türkiye, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Georgia, as well as Andorra, align themselves with this statement.


I want to thank you for the opportunity to exchange on the priorities outlined in your vision statement. “Unity in diversity” is the theme that you have chosen for your coming tenure and it could not fit us better as it is also the motto of the European Union! And it could not be more timely as we are about to celebrate Europe day today.


It cannot be overstressed how important it is for the international community, universally assembled in this hall, to bridge differences, show solidarity and build unity and hope in diversity. Unity is also needed if we want to address the numerous challenges you have mentioned and effectively foster peace, prosperity and human dignity and rights, which the world so desperately needs.


We are truly encouraged by your pledge to ensure the full respect of the UN Charter. I want to reaffirm here that it remains valid as ever, that we cannot accept its growing disregard, nor any reinterpretation. And you can be assured that you will always find the European Union on your side in that endeavour.


How are you planning to concretely pursue the recommitment of all to the UN Charter?


Excellency, if elected, you will be presiding over a very important session:

  • The Summit of the Future will be at the core of the upcoming high-level week.


In the Pact for the Future, we must agree on concrete solutions to make the UN more efficient in fulfilling its mandate, in preventing and addressing future crises, in achieving the SDGs, and in ensuring the respect of the UN Charter, including international human rights and international humanitarian law. This Assembly, under your guidance and leadership, will be the engine room for those efforts.


  • You will also be presiding over the preparations for the World Social Summit. We need more than ever to accelerate our efforts towards poverty eradication, social justice and protection, a global level-playing field, equality, and the respect for human rights, including labour rights. These fundamental aims which are enshrined in the Treaty on European Union, are also one of the “raison d’être” of the United Nations.


[How do you intend to ensure coherence and continuity between the outcomes of the Summit of the Future and the preparations for the subsequent World Social Summit to take place in 2025?]




Only through an effective, transparent and accountable UN, with the General Assembly at its core can we implement the priorities laid out in your vision statement.


And through a systematic engagement with civil society, youth, the private sector and all relevant stakeholders we can make this Assembly ever more effective and inclusive.


You can count on us to support you in this, including on the importance of ensuring gender equality in our work].