EU Statement – UN Security Council: Briefing on the Middle East, the Palestinian question

18 October 2023, New York - Statement on behalf of the European Union by H.E. Mr. Olof Skoog, Ambassador, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations, at the UN Security Council Briefing on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question


 - As delivered -


Thank you very much Mr President,

First of all, let me thank Brazil for all your efforts to enable the Security Council to address the severe situation unfolding in the Middle East.

We are horrified and appalled by the destruction and death toll at the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza. This latest event illustrates how dramatic the situation is.  

Our thoughts are with all victims since the start of the crisis. We also deplore the deaths of the UNRWA staff in Gaza, and our thoughts go to all the humanitarian staff who tirelessly work in support of people in Gaza at this moment.

Let me recall the basic principles of international humanitarian law: the protection of all civilians must be ensured at all times, everywhere. Attacks against civilian infrastructure are illegal.

Mr President,

The European Union has been clear: we condemn Hamas and its brutal and indiscriminate terrorist attacks against Israel.  We call for the immediate release of all hostages without any preconditions.

There is no justification for terrorism. We support Israel’s right to defend itself in line with humanitarian and international law, in the face of such violent and indiscriminate attacks.

Mr President,

The people of Gaza are now facing a disastrous humanitarian situation. It is vitally important to provide urgent humanitarian aid to all those civilians who are in dire need of water, electricity, food and medicine.

The EU is taking action:

  • We have stepped-up our emergency assistance to the Palestinian people. We have tripled our humanitarian assistance to €75 million to support civilians in need in Gaza at this moment.
  • We have launched an EU Humanitarian Air Bridge operation with several flights to Egypt to bring lifesaving supplies to humanitarian organisations on the ground in Gaza, including shelter items, medicines and hygiene kits. Additional emergency items from EU emergency stockpiles are available and ready to be deployed to our humanitarian partners as soon as requested.  Unimpeded access must be granted throughout Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid. 

Mr President,

The EU remains committed to a lasting and sustainable peace based on the two-state solution through reinvigorated efforts in the Middle East Peace Process.  We underline the need to engage broadly with the legitimate Palestinian authorities, as well as regional and international partners who could have a positive role to play in preventing further escalation.

I thank you very much Mr President.