EU Statement – UN Security Council: Maintenance of Peace and Security of Ukraine

9 October 2023, New York - Statement on behalf of the European Union delivered by H.E. Ambassador Hedda Samson, Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations, at the UN Security Council: Maintenance of Peace and Security of Ukraine


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I have the honour to speak on behalf of the European Union and its Member States.


The Candidate Countries North Macedonia*, Montenegro*, Albania*, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina*, the potential candidate country Georgia, and the EFTA country Iceland, member of the European Economic Area, as well as, Monaco and San Marino align themselves with this statement.


I thank the Brazilian presidency for the opportunity to address the Security Council. I also thank USG DiCarlo and ASG Msuya for the information provided.




Last month, the President of the European Council described Ukraine as a crime scene. The past days, we have witnessed more horrific crimes.

Russia’s appalling violence against Ukraine’s civilian population shows no signs of abating. Last Thursday an attack targeted a café and a grocery store in the settlement of Hroza in Kupiansk, Kharkiv oblast, killing 52 people, including a child and injuring many others. A day later, an airstrike on an apartment building in Kharkiv killed a ten-year old boy and his grandmother and injured dozens of others.

These are heinous attacks against innocent civilians, in addition to Russia’s continued daily indiscriminate attacks near the frontlines. Since it unilaterally withdrew from the Black Sea Grain Initiative, Russia has also escalated its attacks on civilian objects, including facilities for the export of Ukrainian grain.

International monitoring mechanisms, including the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine and the Independent International Commission of Inquiry, have concluded that Russia has committed a wide range of violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law in Ukraine. OHCHR has verified 9.614 civilian deaths during Russia’s aggression. The actual number is without doubt much higher.

We once again urge Russia to uphold human rights law and international humanitarian law. Intentional attacks against civilians are war crimes. All commanders, perpetrators and accomplices of these atrocities will be held to account. The EU remains firmly committed to ensure that Russia is held fully accountable for its aggression against Ukraine.

The EU commends the Ukrainian people's strength, courage and resistance. We stand in firm solidarity and will continue supporting Ukraine, its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Russia must immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its troops and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders. Ukraine is exercising its inherent right to defend itself and to regain full control of its territory.

The international community has repeatedly expressed its desire for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine in line with the UN Charter, the resolutions of the General Assembly, and international law. The EU will continue its work to ensure the widest possible international support for the key principles and objectives of Ukraine’s Peace Formula. Any initiative for sustainable peace in Ukraine must be based on full respect for its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders.

I thank you.


* North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.