EU Statement – UN Security Council: Maintenance of Peace and Security of Ukraine

31 October 2023, New York - Statement on behalf of the European Union by H.E. Mr. Olof Skoog, Ambassador, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations, at the UN Security Council Briefing: Maintenance of Peace and Security of Ukraine


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I have the honour to speak on behalf of the European Union and its Member States.


The Candidate Countries North Macedonia, Montenegro Albania, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the potential candidate country Georgia, as well as Andorra, Monaco and San Marino align themselves with this statement.


I thank the Brazilian presidency for the opportunity to address the Security Council. I also thank the briefer.




I wish to make three points: (1) the importance of upholding international humanitarian law; (2) the need for winterisation efforts, especially in light of Russia’s targeting of critical infrastructure; and (3) efforts to address the global consequences of Russia’s aggression.


[upholding international humanitarian law]


All States undertake to respect and ensure respect for international law in all circumstances. Russia’s ongoing campaign of systematic air strikes against civilian objects and critical infrastructure in Ukraine must stop. These cruel, inhumane attacks only aim to increase human suffering and deprive Ukrainians of electricity, heating, food, medical care and water, as well as destroy Ukraine’s grain export capacities. Such attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure add to the growing evidence of war crimes, as reported by the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine. Russia and its leadership must be held fully accountable for waging a war of aggression against Ukraine and other most serious crimes under international law.


We commend the brave efforts undertaken by humanitarian organizations to deliver assistance and condemn all attacks on humanitarian workers and facilities. The UN has reported that almost four million people, living in areas under Russia’s current military control, remain out of reach of humanitarian assistance. We call on Russia to ensure safe and unimpeded humanitarian access to all areas under its temporary control. Aid cannot be denied to those in need. The EU supports all UN efforts to get humanitarian access to areas not controlled by the Government of Ukraine. We regret that no inter-agency humanitarian convoys have been able to cross from government-controlled areas to non-government controlled areas, despite repeated attempts and notifications to the Russian Federation.


Ukraine is today the most heavily mined country in the world. Around 30% of its territory requires survey and clearance. This contamination of landmines and remnants of war left behind by Russia’s armed forces not only poses a serious obstacle to relief and aid delivery efforts, but also a serious threat to the lives of civilians, in particular children. We welcome the outcome of the International Donors’ Conference on humanitarian demining in Ukraine in Zagreb on 11 and 12 October, which includes support for the efficient governance of mine action.


[winterisation efforts]


Winter is a particularly challenging period for the people of Ukraine. Temperatures will soon be below freezing and we are deeply concerned that Russia will once again target critical infrastructure across Ukraine. Last year, Russia’s attacks on Ukrainian energy infrastructure, including power stations and heating plants, left millions of civilians without access to heat, electricity and water during the harsh winter months. It is disturbing to see that similar attacks have already been reported over the past weeks, such as the one on the Khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant. They must stop. Russia is responsible for the massive damage caused by its war of aggression.


In the face of continued Russian attacks against Ukraine’s civil and critical infrastructure, the EU will intensify our provision of humanitarian and civil protection assistance to Ukraine, including equipment such as power generators, power transformers, mobile heating stations, and high-voltage and lighting equipment, to help Ukraine and its people face yet another winter at war. We welcome OCHA’s Winter Response Plan and preparedness efforts by humanitarian organizations.


[addressing the global consequences of Russia’s aggression]


Food exports passing through the Black Sea remain critical to global food security. Russia’s unilateral decision to terminate the implementation of the Black Sea Grain Initiative and its deliberate attacks on Ukraine’s grain storage and export facilities, as well as its actions to hinder the freedom of navigation on the Black Sea, show that Russia continues to weaponise food and undermine global food security. It has destroyed almost 300.000 tons of grain and reduced Ukraine’s export potential by 40%. The EU supports all efforts, including those of the UN, to facilitate exports of Ukraine’s grain and other agricultural products to the countries most in need, notably in Africa and the Middle East.


The Solidarity Lanes through the EU have become a lifeline for global food security. Between May 2022 and August 2023, they have allowed Ukraine to export over 53 million tonnes of agricultural products. In addition, the EU will continue to deliver on its ambitious response to address global food insecurity. Together with our Member States, we are providing 18 billion EUR in grants to countries and people in need, including humanitarian and food assistance. Our total official development assistance increased last year, even discounting extra support to Ukraine. We praise Ukraine for its unwavering efforts to resume its grain exports via maritime routes, contributing to our joint efforts to combat global food insecurity.




We will continue to provide life-saving support to the people of Ukraine in accordance with the humanitarian principles. And we will continue to support Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Russia must immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its troops and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders. Ukraine is exercising its inherent right to defend itself and to regain full control of its territory.


The international community has repeatedly expressed its desire for peace in Ukraine in line with the UN Charter, the resolutions of the General Assembly, and international law. The EU will continue our intensified diplomatic outreach efforts and cooperation with Ukraine and other countries to ensure the widest possible international support for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace and the key principles and objectives of Ukraine’s Peace Formula, with a view to a Global Peace Summit being held. In this regard, we welcome the latest meeting of National Security Advisors in Malta.


I thank you.