EU Statement – UN Security Council: Maintenance of Peace and Security of Ukraine

29 December 2023, New York - Statement on behalf of the European Union by H.E. Ambassador Olof Skoog, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations, at the UN Security Council: Maintenance of Peace and Security of Ukraine

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Thank you for the opportunity to address the Council.


The EU reiterates its resolute condemnation of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, which constitutes a manifest violation of the UN Charter. We reaffirm our unwavering support for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders and its inherent right of self-defence against the Russian aggression.


Overnight, Russia launched one of the largest attacks since its full-scale invasion of Ukraine against cities and the population. It was yet another cowardly and indiscriminate targeting of schools, a metro station and a hospital, resulting in the death of at least 31 people and several wounded.


Russia’s ongoing systematic air strikes against civilian objects and critical infrastructure in Ukraine are unacceptable and must stop. Such intentional attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure add to the growing evidence of war crimes, as reported by the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine. Russia and its leadership must be held fully accountable for waging a war of aggression against Ukraine and for other most serious crimes under international law, as well as for the massive damage caused by its war.


In the face of continued Russian attacks against Ukraine’s civil and critical infrastructure, the EU and its Member States will intensify the provision of further humanitarian and civil protection assistance to Ukraine, as well as assistance to ensure the resilience of its energy sector through the winter. Moreover, the EU remains committed to supporting Ukraine’s repair, recovery and reconstruction, in coordination with international partners, including the demining process and psychosocial rehabilitation.




I reiterate the EU’s unwavering commitment to continue to provide strong political, financial, economic, humanitarian, military and diplomatic support to Ukraine and its people for as long as it takes.


Thank you.