EU Statement – United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea : Agenda item 11 (a, b, c) – Consideration of administrative and budgetary matters of the Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

New York

21 June 2021, New York - Statement on behalf of the European Union and its Member States at the Meeting of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Thirty-First Meeting: Agenda item 11 (a, b, c) – Consideration of administrative and budgetary matters of the Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

Mr. President,


I have the honour to speak on behalf of the European Union and its Member States.


First of all the European Union and its Member States would like to thank the Registrar for her statement dated 9 April 2021 on budgetary and financial matters of the Tribunal under agenda items 11(a), 11 (b) and 11 (c).


Mr. President,

Regarding agenda item 11(a), the Report on budgetary matters for the financial period 2019-2020, the European Union and its Member States would like to state the following:

  • We note that the total expenditure for the year 2019 amounts to 97.08% of the total appropriations of 20,521,200 euro allocated, including a provision of 2,690,100 under part C of the budget (Case related costs) to enable the Tribunal to deal with two urgent proceedings in 2019-2020. We acknowledge that due to the efficient planning of the Registrar and shorter than anticipated meetings, the costs with a third case could be accommodated within the approved budget.


  • We also note with satisfaction that the overall expenditure under section 1 ‘Judges’ (‘Annual allowances’) that exceeded the approved appropriations by 109,944 euro at the end of the budget period (December 2020), was absorbed with transfers of savings from other lines in the same section (‘Special allowances’, ‘Travel to sessions’ and ‘Common costs’) and from section 2 (‘Judges’ pension schemes’) as well as from section 5 (‘Official travel’) in accordance with the authorization of the thirtieth Meeting of State Parties.


  • Furthermore, we have greatly appreciated the surrendering to State Parties of the cash surplus in the amount of 2,956,912 euro and deduction from their contribution for 2021, in accordance with the Tribunal Regulations.

In conclusion, the EU and its Member States would like to reiterate their appreciation for the sound manner in which the Registrar continues to manage the Tribunal’s budget and to echo the Registrar’s call to all States Parties to pay their contributions for the next financial period on time.

Mr. President


Regarding agenda item 11(b), Reports of the external auditor for the financial period 2019-2020, the EU and its Members States note the opinion of the external auditor that  “on the basis of the knowledge obtained in the audit, the accompanying financial statements comply, in all material respects and give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities and financial position of the International Tribunal for the law of the Sea as of 31 December 2020 and of its financial performance in accordance with the Financial Regulations and Financial Rules of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea”.


Mr, President,

Regarding agenda items 11 (c) in the amendments to the Financial Regulation of the Tribunal, the European Union and its Member States acknowledge that the proposed amendments are necessary to enable the Tribunal to start implementing the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) in the period 2019-2020. We acknowledge this was based on the revisions made by the United Nations of its Financial Rules and that due regard was payed to the Tribunal’s specific requirements.


In view of this and in order to give effect to the amended financial regulation on 1 January 2021, the EU and its Member States can approve the proposed amendments to the Financial Regulations of the Tribunal.


Thank you, Mr. President.