Good Human Rights Stories: Building quality lives through economic, social and cultural rights


PROGRAMME | 26 September 2019, UNHQ, Conference Room 2


9:55                 Arrival

10:00 - 10:15   Opening

Key Note Address by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Michelle Bachelet.

Key Note Address by EU High Representative/ Vice President, Ms. Federica Mogherini.

10:15 – 10:25  Photo Op

10:25 – 10:55  Panel

Moderated by EU Special Representative for Human Rights, Mr. Eamon Gilmore.

Minister for Foreign Affairs from Indonesia, Ms. Retno L. P. Marsudi. 

Attorney General and Minister of Justice from The Gambia, Mr. Abubacarr Tambadou.

Minister for Foreign Affairs from Georgia, Mr. David Zalkaliani.

Deputy Minister for Multilateral Affairs from Colombia, Ms. Adriana Mejía Hernández.

10:55 – 11:20  Interventions from the floor

11:20 – 11:30 Closing 

Final comments by panellists.

Closing remarks by the Presidency of the EU Council, Minister for Foreign Affairs from Finland, Mr. Pekka Haavisto. 

together for humans right banner

"Good Human Rights Stories Initiative"

Political Pledge


We, the undersigned:

Proclaim respect for all human rights - civil, political, economic, social and cultural - as a fundamental value and a central pillar of our internal and external actions, and as one of the three pillars of the United Nations.

Assert our conviction that the international human rights framework is indispensable to tackle all major challenges we face today.

Pledge to continue improving our own human rights record and to supporting others through the sharing of "good human rights stories" and practices, based on our own experiences.

Undertake, in this regard, to forge an informal coalition of countries to regularly meet, share positive human rights practices and experiences on a different topic each time, and foster partnerships to support and inspire the promotion and protection of human rights.

Commit, in the context of our cooperation, to fully implement the 2030 Agenda, strive to promote fundamental government priorities, such as the eradication of poverty, inclusive sustainable development, social justice and resilience, and gender equality, women’s empowerment and non-discrimination, in our countries and globally, based on the respect for universal human rights and human dignity, good governance and the rule of law, and open and free consultations with all our citizens.

Strive to achieve continuous human rights progress and in that effort pledge our support and cooperation with the UN human rights system and aspire to work closely with UN Special Procedures; commit to building and safeguarding strong and independent national human rights-related oversight institutions; and affirm our belief in the benefits of regular and open consultations with an independent and vibrant civil society, both nationally and in regional and multilateral fora.

Aspire to complement the important work being carried out by different human rights bodies (including the Human Rights Council, the UN General Assembly Third Committee, and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights) and other good governance initiatives, including at the national, regional and multilateral fronts.

Pledge to stand up for others and leave no one behind.

United Nations Headquarters, New York, 10017