UNGA High-Level Side Event: the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen


Yemen remains the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, and the situation risks deteriorating even further. The conflict continues to take a heavy toll on the population. The combined effects of ongoing fighting, access restrictions and insufficient imports of vital goods, a serious economic crisis, and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic are pushing the country into famine. The humanitarian response in Yemen is severely underfunded, forcing the UN and other humanitarian actors to scale back or shut down live-saving activities. 

Concerted efforts to address the different overlaying crises in Yemen, ensure adequate levels of funding and respect for International Humanitarian Law are urgently required. This meeting will highlight the growing humanitarian needs in Yemen and the drivers of the crisis, and offer a venue to discuss the response of the international community. 

Wednesday 23rd September 20209.00 – 11.00am (EDT)

Co-hosted by

H.E. Mr. Janez Lenarčič, European Commissioner for Crisis Management, and

H.E. Mr. Peter Eriksson, Swedish Minister for Crisis Management for International Development Cooperation 

Including briefings by

Mr. Mark Lowcock, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs & Emergency Relief Coordinator,

Mr. David Beasley, Executive Director, World Food Programme, and

Mr. Jan Egeland, Secretary-General, Norwegian Refugee Council.

A recording of the event is available via OCHA WebEx


Virtual, Virtual