L’Europa a San Marino, San Marino in Europa

EU Film Festival 2023

The Delegation of the European Union to San Marino, together with the Segreteria degli Affari Esteri and the Segreteria della Cultura di San Marino, invites you to the EU Film Festival L’Europa a San Marino, San Marino in Europa, taking place in San Marino between 24 March and 27 April 2023.

The Festival opens with a Seminar on 24 March 2023, followed by a month of film screenings organised by 19 EU Member State Embassies to San Marino.

The Seminar and the Festival are an opportunity for the EU and San Marino to further deepen their cultural relations, and to explore their joint commitment to European values on the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties.

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What? When? Where?

The kick-off Seminar for the Festival, with the participation of Segretario di Stato Luca Beccari, EU Ambassador Alexandra Valkenburg and Italian Ambassador Sergio Mercuri, will take place at the Teatro Titano on Friday 24 March, from 11:00 - 13:00. Prof. Maria Elena D’Amelio of the University of San Marino will also address the audience after the keynote speakers.

The film screenings shall take part over a month between 24 March and 27 April, with the participation of 19 Member State embassies to San Marino who have selected a film from their country to be screened at the Teatro Concordia. The films range in style and scope from comedy films and children’s movies to drama, historical thrillers and documentaries.

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    Alexandra Valkenburg, Head of the EU Delegation in Rome

Welcome by the EU Ambassador

Welcome to the Film Festival "San Marino in Europe, Europe in San Marino", an initiative of the Delegation of the European Union in cooperation with the missions of the EU Member States to San Marino, and the San Marino authorities (in particular the Cultural Institutes of San Marino).

This year, at the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the European Union and San Marino, we celebrate the consolidation of our relations, also through the continuation of negotiations for an ambitious Association Agreement. I therefore hope that the Festival will be a stimulus to continue to cultivate our cultural relations, using cinema as a means to build bridges between the EU countries and San Marino.

The EU and San Marino are kindred partners but above all friends. We share history, geographical borders and linguistic ties, but above all we share a commitment to European values: such as freedom, democracy, human dignity and a strong multilateral system as the basis for a better world. Against the backdrop of continuing Russian aggression against Ukraine, San Marino has demonstrated its willingness to put these values into practice, standing by Ukraine and Europe.

I invite you to join us in this celebration of cinema and our shared values.

- Alexandra Valkenburg

Welcome by the Secretary of State of San Marino

Sono lieto e onorato che San Marino possa ospitare la prima edizione del EU Film Festival – San Marino 2023.

Questa iniziativa, a cui la Segreteria di Stato per gli Affari Esteri ha volentieri concesso il proprio patrocinio, rappresenta un momento privilegiato di celebrazione del quarantesimo anniversario dello stabilimento delle relazioni diplomatiche fra la Repubblica di San Marino e l’Unione europea, ricordando al contempo una delle dimensioni elettive di questa relazione: quella culturale.

L’auspicio è quindi che questa edizione sia la prima di una lunga serie, che possa svilupparsi sempre più floridamente nel nuovo quadro di rapporti che si sta delineando fra San Marino e l’Unione europea e sappia riscuotere il meritato riscontro di una nutrita partecipazione di pubblico.

Sono dunque lieto di accogliere gli illustri ospiti che si recheranno a San Marino in occasione della prima edizione del EU Film Festival – San Marino 2023.

- Luca Beccari Segretario di Stato per gli Affari Esteri e le Telecomunicazioni della Repubblica di San Marino

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    Secretary of State of San Marino
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    poster of the festival

Festival Programme


24 March, 21:00-23:00: LITHUANIA - Mariupolis by Mantas Kvedaravicius

25 March, 17:30-19:30: IRELAND - Dating Amber by David Freyne

25 March, 21:00-23:00: SWEDEN - Nelly and Nadine by Magnus Gertten

26 March, 17:30-19:30: CYPRUS - .Dog by Yianna Americanou

26 March, 21:00-23:00: FINLAND - It's Raining Woman by Mari Soppela

27 March, 17:30-19:30: POLAND - Remember This by Jeff Hutchens, Derek Goldman

27 March, 21:00-23:00: MALTA – Luzzu by Alex Camilleri

28 March, 17:30-19:30: LATVIA – January by Viesturs Kairišs

28 March, 21:00-23:00: CZECHIA – Zátopek by David Ondříček

29 March, 17:30-19:30: THE NETHERLANDS – Bigman by Camiel Schouwenaar

29 March, 21:00-23:00: ESTONIA – Kalev by Ove Musting

30 March, 17:30-19:30: BELGIUM - Young Ahmed by Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne

30 March, 21:00-23:00: ITALY - Il Legionario by Hleb Papou

31 March, 17:30-19:30: ROMANIA - The Sentries of Delta by Liviu Marghidan

31 March, 21:00-23:00: FRANCE - The Crossing by Florence Miailhe

06 April, 21:00-23:00: GREECE - Kristos, l’ultimo bambino by Giulia Amati

13 April, 21:00-23:00: BULGARIA - La Riunione by Niki Iliev

20 April, 21:00-23:00: PORTUGAL - I Diari di Otsoga by Maureen Fazendeiro, Miguel Gomes

27 April, 21:00-23:00: LUXEMBOURG – Totem by Sander Burger

Videos and trailers

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