EU Ambassador addresses tough questions by students

EU Ambassador to the UK Pedro Serrano visited Royal Holloway University and fielded tough questions from students in diplomacy, foreign affairs, politics, economics, law, history and languages.

In a welcome by Vice-Chancellor Professor Julie Sanders Ambassador Serrano had an overview of the University’s history as a pioneering institution, which hosted the first college for women and its rich diversity in modern times. He then had a one-hour session dedicated to a conversation with students who asked questions on a broad range of topics - from the EU’s policy in climate finance or the EU Artificial Intelligence Act to the war in Ukraine, the crisis in the Middle East and the strategic priorities in the EU’s approach to defence and long-term strategic autonomy.

Ambassador Serrano commented after the exchange:

“I was truly impressed by the depth of understanding of challenges and threats shown by the students, by their commitment to shaping a democratic future and by their questioning of accepted wisdoms. In a year when hundreds of millions of persons around the world will be called to vote, critical thinking and determination in advancing human rights and fundamental freedoms are essential for the future of our planet.”

This visit forms part of on-going engagement by Ambassador Serrano and the EU Delegation with universities across the UK, which includes visits to university campuses and study visits at Europe House.