EU Delegation hosts a strategy day for European ethnic minority citizens in the UK

In a landmark event aimed at fostering inclusivity and finding solutions on how to address systemic challenges, representatives of various ethnic minority EU citizens residing in the UK, together with academics interested in this area, gathered for the first-ever strategy day in Europe House on 20 March.

The event aimed to lay the groundwork for future collaboration and to discuss how to learn more about EU ethnic minority groups in the UK.

Jaime de Villota, head of Citizens, Social, Justice and Home Affairs Section at the EU Delegation in the UK section encouraged the participants to assert their presence within the political landscape: “Use the day to draw inspiration from each other’s experiences, to forge new connections and to amplify your collective impact.”

Typhaine Morillon, in charge of Public relations and outreach to EU citizens at the European Parliament Liaison Office in the UK explained why voting in European elections is a crucial way for ethnic minority communities to ensure their voices are heard and their interests are represented at the highest levels of decision-making in the EU: "We know that participation in the elections from ethnic minorities citizens is low and that they often feel unrepresented. It is crucial that you make their voice heard, because if you do not vote, others will decide for you. And this is where you come in: we need your help in reaching those citizens. You know your communities, and you speak their language. This makes you trusted voices they are much more likely to listen to.”


The strategy day was led by Black Europeans, an organisation bringing together ethnic minority EU citizens in the UK. Aké Achi, CEO of Black Europeans emphasised the importance of centering the voices and experiences of ethnic minority communities in policy-making processes.


Recognising the dearth of reliable information about ethnic minorities, participants identified key indicators and methodologies for gathering robust demographic information. "As ethnic minority EU citizens, our experiences and perspectives are often overlooked," remarked Aké Achi. "By collecting accurate data, we can better understand the challenges we face and advocate for meaningful change." He added that with this event, "we have taken the first step towards building a more inclusive and equitable society. But our work has only just started. It was great to see so much enthusiasm in the room to address the challenges together.”