Celebrating Europe Day: Democracy, geopolitics and tech diplomacy in 2024

Europe Day marks the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration (9 May 1950), a momentous occasion that brought together the countries of Europe after WWII and laid the foundations for the European Union as we know it.

The Schuman declaration was a bold step towards peace and unity in Europe after the devastation of the war, bringing the Member States and peoples closer together to promote democratic values and prosperity, in full respect of diversity, traditions and national identities. In the wider world, the EU contributes to solidarity and mutual respect among peoples, the sustainable development on the Earth, free and fair trade, eradication of poverty and the protection of human rights.

In this spirit, the EU Office in San Francisco was delighted to hold a Europe Day reception alongside the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission, Josep Borrell, the Ambassador of the European Union to the United States, Jovita Neliupšienė, and other high level esteemed guests on May 14th, 2024, at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. We gathered to celebrate the European Union's anniversary and its significant presence on the US West Coast.

HRVP Josep Borrell delivered a keynote speech during the reception, the speech is accessible here

Europe Day reception

In September 2022, the European Union established a representation on the US West-coast. Yet another sign that transatlantic relationships have never been stronger.
The EU wants to work ever closer with the diplomatic community, policy-makers, academia, industry and civil society actors on the US West-coast, particularly to help address two of the most pressing challenges of our time.

EU Day reception

How do we promote innovation and ensure trustworthy digital technologies that work for people and make our lives better? How do we collectively and decisively tackle the challenges of climate change as we shift our economies to net zero emissions by 2050?
These are the reasons for which we work to build bridges, from Brussels to the Bay, and vice versa.

EU day reception

Thank you to all attendees for joining us!

Special thanks go out to: 

  • Former Honorary Consul of Sweden, Barbro Osher, for kindly arranging for our reception space
  • Yana Garcia, California Secretary for Environmental Protection, member of Governor Gavin Newsom’ Cabinet and Maryam Muduroglou, Chief of Protocol for San Francisco Mayor London Breed for delivering remarks during the reception
  • The Conservatory of Music (David Stull, President) and their student musicians and vocalist for performing during the reception
05:30 pm - 08:30 pm
San Francisco Conservatory of Music