Kids Euro Festival 2020



Experience the 2020 Kids Euro Festival fromthe Comfort of Home!

This year’s virtual festival offers children hours of top-quality entertainment and education

Did you ever want to learn how to engrave gourds? Make art out of paper? Turn plastic bottles into butterflies? Make pancake puffs? Build your own piece of Finland in Minecraft? Create a field of art flowers? Make a mysterious 3D lake? Play fado music? Cook Spanish food? Or maybe you want to learn what makes a computer work, experience German pianists playing the piano with tennis balls, watch Hungarian folk tales, partake in an art work shop inspired by Polish folklore, learn how immigration shaped America, or watch hours of exciting animated movies.

You can do all of this and much more during this year’s virtual Kids Euro Festival! From October 17 through November 29, children and their parents across the United States will be able to participate in this engaging online programming. Some events will be live and interactive, whereas others will be available on-demand. And it’s all free.

Now in its 13th year, this unique festival’s mission is to provide equal access to the European arts for American families and children of all backgrounds. This is made possible by the 27 European Union countries and the European Union Delegation to the United States in cooperation with the European-American Cultural Foundation and The Carmel Cultural Endowment for the Arts.

Due to COVID-19, no in-person events will be held this fall in order to maintain the safety of our performers and audiences. Instead we offer families all over the world access to an extended virtual festival with a full 6 weeks of online programming. As always, all programs are completely free!  Tune in for performances, concerts, workshops, movies, storytelling, puppetry, dance, and more.

Click here to access the event page.

Virtual Event, Washington, D.C.