EU citizens stranded in Venezuela return to Europe


A total of 670 Europeans stranded in Venezuela have safely returned to Europe in the last three weeks aboard two flights


A second repatriation flight with 275 passengers on board, representing 21 nationalities departed from Caracas to Madrid on Thursday, April 16th. Smaller domestic flights were also organised so passengers stranded in the islands of Margarita and Los Roques could travel to the capital and board the special chartered flight to Europe.The flight was made possible thanks to the joint effort of all EU Member States´ Embassies and Consulates accredited in Venezuela with the EU Delegation playing a facilitating and supportive role both at consular and EU HoMS level since early March, leading to the first repatriation flight on March 26. total of 670 Europeans stranded in Venezuela have safely returned to Europe in the last three weeks on these two flights. Among the passengers were tourists, business travelers and citizens visiting relatives in different parts of the country. Their transfer to Caracas was also facilitated by the different diplomatic missions in coordination with the authorities, whose support was essential as they provided the necessary transport, airport and immigration permits.

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