EU - UN 40 Years Together in Vienna | Multilateralism at Work - EU - UNOOSA Cooperation


Panel discussion showcasing examples of a successful cooperation








18:30 Welcome


Stephan Klement, EU Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the European Union to the International Organisations in Vienna:

"The EU as an actor in the multilateral arena"


Martin Selmayr, Head of the European Commission Representation in Austria:

"The EU Space Strategy"


18:35 The EU in Space and its Partnership with UNOOSA


Simonetta Di Pippo, Director, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA): "UNOOSA's partnership with the EU; Past, Present and Future"


Carine Claeys, Special Envoy for Space / Head of the Space Task Force,European External Action Service:

" EU and multilateralism in space"


18:45 Panel Discussion: How EU-UNOOSA cooperation contributes to the SDG and Multillateralism


Jolanda van Eijndthoven, Deputy Head of Unit for Space Policy, European Commission: "The EU Space Programme"


Sharafat Gadimova, Scientific Affairs Officer, UNOOSA:"Introducing the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG)"


Jorge Del Rio Vera, Scientific Affairs Officer, UNOOSA:"Space for the SDGs: the role of Earth Observation and GNSS"


19.00 Discussion with the audience


20.00 Reception


21.00 Farewell

Uraniastraße 1, Vienna, 1010
How to join?

Alain Georges MATTON


Press Attaché

Communication and Public Information Officer

Delegation of the European Union to the

International Organisations in Vienna


Argentinierstrasse 26, 1040 Vienna, Austria

Tel: +43 1 505 84 11 69

Mobile: +43 664 884 222 69


Twitter: @AlainMatton