The Choice: Embrace the Possible + The Gift: 12 Lessons to Save Your Life (European Literature Days 2022)



At the age of sixteen, Edith Eger was sent to Auschwitz. Hours after her parents were killed, Nazi officer Dr. Josef Mengele, forced Edie to dance for his amusement and her survival. Edie was pulled from a pile of corpses when the American troops liberated the camps in 1945.

Edie spent decades struggling with flashbacks and survivor’s guilt, determined to stay silent and hide from the past. Thirty-five years after the war ended, she returned to Auschwitz and was finally able to fully heal and forgive the one person she’d been unable to forgive—herself.

Edie weaves her remarkable personal journey with the moving stories of those she has helped heal. She explores how we can be imprisoned in our own minds and shows us how to find the key to freedom. The Choice is a life-changing book that will provide hope and comfort to generations of readers.

After the successful release of The Choice, which told the story of her survival in the concentration camps, her escape, healing, and journey to freedom. Readers around the world wrote to tell Edith how The Choice moved them and inspired them to confront their own past and try to heal their pain. They asked her to write another, more prescriptive book.

Eger’s second book, The Gift, expands on her message of healing and provides a hands-on guide that gently encourages readers to change the thoughts and behaviors that may be keeping them imprisoned in the past.

Eger explains that the worst prison she experienced is not the prison that Nazis put her in but the one she created for herself: the prison within her own mind. She describes the most pervasive imprisoning beliefs she has known, including fear, grief, anger, secrets, stress, guilt, shame and avoidance, and the tools she has discovered to deal with these universal challenges. These lessons are offered through riveting and inspiring stories from her life and the lives of her patients.

These two books were published by Tan Viet Books during Covid-19 pandemic in 2021 and 2022.



Edith Eger (*1927) is an eminent psychologist and one of the few remaining Holocaust survivors old enough to remember life in the camps. A student of Viktor Frankl, Dr. Edith Eger has worked with veterans, military personnel, and victims of physical and mental trauma. She lives in La Jolla, California, and is the author of the bestselling and award-winning books The Choice and The Gift.


Nguyen Thu Trang (Rights and Publishing Director of Tan Viet Books) has had 12 years of experience in negotiating translation rights and organizing the production of more than 1.500 titles including children books, self-help and education books. 

03:30 pm
Goethe-Institut Hanoi, 56-58-60 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Ba Dinh District
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Language: Vietnamese