EU Delegation to Yemen celebrates Europe Day

The EU Delegation to Yemen organised a reception on Wednesday, 15 May, in Amman to celebrate Europe Day, which was attended by Yemen's Ambassador to Jordan Jalal Faqirah, EU ambassadors accredited to Yemen, diplomats and representatives of Yemen's civil society.


Following are excerpts from the speech delivered by Ambassador Gabriel Munuera Viñals on Europe Day held in Amman on 15 May: 

Excellencies, Members of the Government, Ambassadors, esteemed members of the diplomatic corps, Colleagues, and dear friends of the EU Delegation,

Good evening and welcome to this commemoration of Europe Day.

Today, as we gather here at the EU Residence, we embark on a journey of reflection and hope. I am deeply honoured to stand before you on this occasion as we pay tribute to the visionary Declaration made by Robert Schuman on 9 May 1950, which laid the foundation for European integration. 

In 1950, Europe was still reeling from the aftermath of the Second World War, grappling with the profound scars left by years of conflict and devastation. It was against this backdrop of uncertainty and hardship that the Declaration of 9th May emerged as a beacon of hope, offering a vision of peace, prosperity, and stability for future generations.

As we reflect on the progress we have made since that day, we must also acknowledge the challenges that lie ahead. The world we live in is fraught with complexity and uncertainty, with geopolitical tensions posing significant threats to global stability and security. 

The situation in Palestine remains a cause for grave concern. The recent escalation of violence in Gaza has resulted in the loss of countless innocent lives and has further exacerbated an already dire humanitarian crisis. We must redouble our efforts to find a peaceful and just resolution to the conflict. The civilians must be protected, and an immediate ceasefire is needed in order to achieve a sustainable ceasefire. 

On this point, I would like to quote our HRVP Josep Borrell, who clearly stated at the plenary session of the European Parliament on 23 April: “We have to repeat once again that Israel must respect international law, implement the International Court of Justice’s provisional measures, ensure the protection of all civilians, and allow humanitarian workers to do their lifesaving job without being targeted”. 

In Europe, one of the most pressing challenges we face today is the flagrant violation of international law by Russia through its aggression in Ukraine. The brazen disregard for sovereignty and territorial integrity demonstrated by the Russian government represents a direct threat to the foundations of the international order and the principles of peace and security upon which it is built. 

Closer to home, the situation in Yemen. Amidst a recent surge in hopes for peace in the country, the Houthis started attacking international navigation, disrupting vital maritime routes in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. These reckless actions, widely condemned by the global community, notably the UNSC, have wrought havoc on maritime safety, tragically resulting in the loss of innocent lives among dedicated seafarers simply carrying out their duties. 

Tonight, my thoughts are with the 24 crew members of the Galaxy Leader, including three Europeans, held captive by the Houthis since the ship's seizure last November. I reiterate a call for their release. 

Undoubtedly, the current situation is dire and unprecedented but UN-led diplomatic efforts continue, with our support, offering a glimmer of hope for a sustainable and inclusive peace. While the prospects may seem dimmer than before, the flame of possibility still flickers, underscoring the importance of ongoing dialogue and cooperation among all stakeholders.

Despite all these challenges, we in the European Union remain committed to our shared values of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. We stand united in our determination to build a better world for future generations, where peace, prosperity, and justice prevail. 

Our priorities for Yemen remain centred on promoting sustainable and inclusive peace, stability and the country’s deeper integration in the Gulf region. Our commitment to Yemen's unity, sovereignty, and independence, coupled with our steadfast support for United Nations peace efforts led by Special Envoy Hans Grundberg, my predecessor as EU Ambassador to Yemen, a friend, are the cornerstones of our involvement. We have consistently stood as Yemen's strategic partners in terms of humanitarian assistance and development, as the humanitarian situation in Yemen remains dire, with millions of people facing food insecurity, displacement, and outbreaks of preventable disease. 

Promoting peace, stability, and sustainable development, alongside bolstering women's participation in public life and peace processes, rank among our foremost objectives. The EU remains committed to empowering Yemeni women and promoting their inclusion in all areas, including high government office. 

We urge all parties, particularly the Houthis, to engage constructively with UN-led peace efforts, while vehemently denouncing attacks on civilian infrastructure and advocating for accountability for those responsible. 

We reaffirm our dedication to sustained multilateral cooperation, independent human rights monitoring, addressing economic challenges and life-saving humanitarian needs, and supporting maritime security. We emphasize the vital importance of ongoing UN-led initiatives for Yemen's enduring stability and recovery. 

I wish to offer a sincere tribute to all the Yemenis collaborating with us day in and day out, striving for a stable and prosperous Yemen. To the women and young people especially, your remarkable contributions within associations, NGOs, or government roles do not go unnoticed. Indeed, the narrative of Yemen cannot be complete without your pivotal role. 

Next week together with Goethe Institute we are launching a photo exhibition for four Yemeni photographers here in Amman at the National Gallery of Fine Arts. We are bringing here four photographers from across Yemen to showcase their pictures of Yemen’s diverse culture and rich heritage. 

As we celebrate Europe Day, let us hold on to the hope that this day represents and reaffirm our commitment to the principles of solidarity, cooperation, and mutual respect. Let us reinforce our dedication to the pursuit of peace and stability, both within Europe and beyond. 

Thank you!