EU, Goethe Institute Jordan inaugurate photo exhibition for four Yemeni photographers

The EU Delegation to Yemen and Goethe Institute Jordan inaugurated on Sunday a photo exhibition for Yemeni photographers: Afraa Ahmed, Al-Baraa al-Sameai, Mohammed Abdulkhaleq and Mohammed Qaatab. The exhibition is held at the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts and is open until 28 May.

Speaking at the opening, EU Ambassador Munuera Viñals said: "Through initiatives such as this exhibition, the EU aims to foster cultural exchange and promote young artists as agents of change. Supporting young Yemenis is indeed a key pillar of our broader engagement with #Yemen."

“Yemen is such a beautiful country, boasting a diverse culture, rich heritage and unspoiled nature. It has a lot of untapped potential. But Yemen needs peace first and foremost. Yemenis need peace and cannot afford to wait any longer for it. That is why the number one priority for the European Union in Yemen continues to be to support a cease fire and an inclusive political settlement under UN auspices that can put Yemen on the path towards a sustainable and just peace.”