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- Afghanistan (189)
- Africa (654)
- African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) (21)
- African Union (AU) (104)
- Albania (234)
- Algeria (194)
- Andean Community (14)
- Andorra (134)
- Angola (202)
- Anguilla (131)
- Antigua and Barbuda (188)
- Aotearoa New Zealand (241)
- Argentina (161)
- Armenia (177)
- Aruba (131)
- Asia (468)
- Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) (18)
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) (74)
- Australia (347)
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- Bahamas (190)
- Bahrain (181)
- Bangladesh (186)
- Barbados (213)
- Belarus (276)
- Belize (187)
- Benin (224)
- Bermuda (131)
- Bhutan (170)
- Black Sea Synergy (1)
- Bolivia (219)
- Bonaire (131)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (275)
- Botswana (208)
- Brazil (217)
- British Antarctic Territory (131)
- British Indian Ocean Territory (131)
- British Virgin Islands (131)
- Brunei Darussalam (191)
- Burkina Faso (211)
- Burundi (208)
- Cabo Verde (204)
- Cambodia (191)
- Cameroon (269)
- Canada (282)
- Cayman Islands (131)
- Central African Republic (206)
- Central American Integration System (SICA) (14)
- Central Asia (226)
- Chile (268)
- China (204)
- Climate, Environment & Energy (98)
- Colombia (208)
- Common Foreign & Security Policy (CFSP) (40)
- Common market for eastern and southern Africa (COMESA) (14)
- Communauté Économique des États de l’Afrique Central (CEEAC) (14)
- Comoros (191)
- Conflict Prevention, Peace building and Mediation (8)
- Congo (Brazzaville) (192)
- Cook Islands (204)
- Costa Rica (197)
- Côte d'Ivoire (206)
- Council of Europe (296)
- Counter-Terrorism (4)
- Countering disinformation (17)
- Crisis Response (9)
- Cuba (269)
- Culture (26)
- Curaçao (131)
- Development Cooperation (53)
- Disarmament, Non-Proliferation, and Arms Export Control (9)
- Djibouti (192)
- Dominica (188)
- Dominican Republic (211)
- DR Congo (Kinshasa) (116)
- Drugs (2)
- Eastern Europe (273)
- Eastern Partnership (139)
- Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) (15)
- Economic Relations, Connectivity & Innovation (35)
- Ecuador (442)
- Education (6)
- EEAS (2915)
- Egypt (192)
- Election observation missions (EUEOMs) (30)
- El Salvador (274)
- Energy Diplomacy (4)
- Environment and climate change (43)
- EOM Bolivia 2020 (3)
- EOM Colombia 2022 (9)
- EOM El Salvador 2018 (2)
- EOM El Salvador 2019 (9)
- EOM Gabon 2016 (2)
- EOM Ghana 2016 (2)
- EOM Ghana 2020 (3)
- EOM Guyana 2020 (5)
- EOM Honduras 2017 (2)
- EOM Honduras 2021 (19)
- EOM Iraq 2021 (7)
- EOM Jordan 2016 (2)
- EOM Kenya 2017 (2)
- EOM Kosovo 2017 (2)
- EOM Kosovo 2017 – Municipal & Mayoral Elections (8)
- EOM Kosovo 2019 (2)
- EOM Kosovo 2021 (9)
- EOM Lebanon 2022 (11)
- EOM Lesotho 2022 (1)
- EOM Liberia 2017 (18)
- EOM Liberia 2023 (2)
- EOM Madagascar 2018 (2)
- EOM Malawi 2019 (2)
- EOM Mali 2018 (2)
- EOM Mozambique 2019 (8)
- EOM Nepal 2017 (3)
- EOM Nigeria 2019 (3)
- EOM Nigeria 2023 (5)
- EOM Pakistan 2018 (2)
- EOM Paraguay 2018 (2)
- EOM Paraguay 2023 (5)
- EOM Peru 2016 (2)
- EOM Perú 2020 (2)
- EOM Sao Tome e Principe 2022 (4)
- EOM Sénégal 2019 (2)
- EOM Sierra Leone 2018 (2)
- EOM Sri Lanka 2019 (3)
- EOM Sri Lanka 2020 (2)
- EOM The Gambia 2017 (2)
- EOM The Gambia 2021 (9)
- EOM Timor-Leste 2022 (2)
- EOM Timor Leste 2017 (2)
- EOM Tunisia 2018 (2)
- EOM Tunisia 2019 (4)
- EOM Venezuela 2021 (18)
- EOM Zambia 2016 (2)
- EOM Zambia 2021 (5)
- EOM Zimbabwe 2018 (6)
- EOM Lebanon 2018 (2)
- Equatorial Guinea (188)
- Eritrea (251)
- Eswatini (267)
- Ethiopia (222)
- EUAM Iraq (93)
- EUAM RCA (89)
- EUAM Ukraine (23)
- EU Arctic Policy (4)
- EUBAM Libya (78)
- EUBAM Moldova and Ukraine (14)
- EUBAM Rafah (19)
- EUCAP Sahel Mali (48)
- EUCAP Sahel Niger (48)
- EUCAP Som (38)
- EU enlargement (7)
- EU Enlargement & Neighbourhood (50)
- EU facilitated dialogue: Belgrade - Pristina relations (6)
- EUFOR Althea (22)
- EU Global Strategy (23)
- EU information in Russian (47)
- EU International Cyberspace Policy (2)
- EULEX Kosovo (21)
- EUMA (12)
- EUMAM Mozambique (17)
- EUMAM Ukraine (23)
- EUMM Georgia (22)
- EUMPM Niger (3)
- EUNAVFOR MED operation IRINI (46)
- EU NAVFOR Somalia (22)
- EUPM Moldova (4)
- EUPOL COPPS/Palestinian Territories (20)
- EU RACC Sahel (38)
- EuropeAid (1)
- Europe and Central Asia (548)
- European Economic Area (EEA) (15)
- European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) (6)
- EU SDI Gulf of Guinea (8)
- EUTM-Mali (29)
- EUTM Mozambique (67)
- EUTM RCA (74)
- EUTM Somalia (33)
- External Investment Plan (1)
- Falkland Islands (131)
- Faroe Islands (128)
- Fight against piracy (3)
- Fiji (277)
- Foreign Affairs Council (18)
- Foreign policy instruments (42)
- French Polynesia (131)
- French Southern Territories (131)
- Gabon (255)
- Gambia (197)
- Georgia (566)
- Ghana (334)
- Global Tech Panel (7)
- Greenland (131)
- Grenada (188)
- Guatemala (261)
- Guinea (195)
- Guinea-Bissau (198)
- Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) (16)
- Guyana (204)
- Haiti (197)
- Health (9)
- Honduras (221)
- Hong Kong (177)
- Humanitarian & Emergency Response (21)
- Human Rights & Democracy (182)
- Iceland (280)
- India (301)
- Indian Ocean Commission (14)
- Indonesia (367)
- Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) (14)
- International Energy Agency (IEA) (28)
- Iran (164)
- Iraq (191)
- Israel (190)
- Jamaica (214)
- Japan (290)
- Jordan (226)
- Kazakhstan (318)
- Kenya (392)
- Kiribati (211)
- Kosovo* (239)
- Kuwait (208)
- Kyrgyz Republic (194)
- Lao PDR (180)
- Latin America & the Caribbean (514)
- League of Arab States (LAS) (14)
- Lebanon (237)
- Lesotho (345)
- Liberia (252)
- Libya (216)
- Liechtenstein (140)
- Macao (173)
- Madagascar (230)
- Malawi (273)
- Malaysia (227)
- Maldives (176)
- Mali (221)
- Maritime Security (7)
- Marshall Islands (210)
- Mauritania (195)
- Mauritius (266)
- Mayotte (187)
- Mexico (360)
- Micronesia (208)
- Middle East & North Africa (MENA) (386)
- Middle East Peace Process (2)
- Military and civilian missions and operations (99)
- Moldova (226)
- Monaco (135)
- Mongolia (226)
- Montenegro (971)
- Montserrat (131)
- Morocco (198)
- Mozambique (268)
- Multilateral Relations (155)
- Myanmar (Burma) (219)
- Namibia (225)
- Nauru (207)
- Nepal (200)
- New Caledonia (131)
- Nicaragua (262)
- Niger (237)
- (-) Nigeria (257)
- Niue (206)
- North America (389)
- North Korea (170)
- North Macedonia (266)
- Norway (188)
- Nuclear Safety (1)
- Oman (182)
- Order of Malta (19)
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (14)
- Organisation for Security&Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) (19)
- Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) (14)
- Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) (14)
- Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) (191)
- Pacific (367)
- Pakistan (416)
- Palau (208)
- Palestine (*) - Occupied Palestinian Territory, West Bank and Gaza Strip (244)
- Panama (240)
- Papua New Guinea (210)
- Paraguay (203)
- Paris - OECD and UN (38)
- Peru (208)
- Philippines (336)
- Pitcairn (131)
- Qatar (188)
- Refugee protection & Migration (28)
- Regional policies (27)
- Regions (19)
- Russia (345)
- Rwanda (239)
- Saba (131)
- Saint-Kitts and Nevis (187)
- Saint-Lucia (188)
- Saint-Vincent and the Grenadines (188)
- Samoa (210)
- Sanctions policy (2)
- San Marino (159)
- Sao Tome and Principe (191)
- Saudi Arabia (188)
- Science Diplomacy (3)
- Security, Defence & Crisis Response (226)
- Senegal (231)
- Serbia (296)
- Seychelles (198)
- Sierra Leone (341)
- Singapore (287)
- Solomon Islands (212)
- Somalia (233)
- South Africa (239)
- South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) (14)
- Southern African Development Community (SADC) (14)
- South Georgian and South Sandwich Islands (131)
- South Korea (283)
- South Sudan (295)
- Sri Lanka (197)
- St. Eustatius (131)
- St. Maarten (131)
- St Helena (131)
- St Pierre and Miquelon (131)
- Sudan (235)
- Suriname (188)
- Switzerland (173)
- Syria (192)
- Taiwan (181)
- Tajikistan (221)
- Tanzania (264)
- Tchad (248)
- Thailand (210)
- The Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) (27)
- Timor-Leste (377)
- Togo (195)
- Tonga (211)
- Trade (2)
- Trinidad and Tobago (215)
- Tunisia (270)
- Türkiye (934)
- Turkmenistan (172)
- Turks and Caicos Islands (132)
- Tuvalu (208)
- Uganda (294)
- Ukraine (203)
- UNESCO (75)
- UN Geneva (349)
- Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) (15)
- United Arab Emirates (247)
- United Kingdom (274)
- United Nations (UN) (149)
- United States of America (317)
- UN New York (284)
- UN Rome (191)
- Uruguay (304)
- Uzbekistan (392)
- Vanuatu (215)
- Vatican City and the Holy See (162)
- Venezuela (294)
- Vienna - International Organisations (118)
- Vietnam (224)
- Wallis and Futuna (131)
- Water Diplomacy (6)
- Western Balkans (258)
- Western Europe (211)
- World Trade Organization (WTO) (53)
- Yemen (212)
- Zambia (234)
- Zimbabwe (250)
- Josep Borrell, Former High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the European Commission (88)
- Press and information team of the Delegation to CAMEROON (1)
- Press and information team of the Delegation to LESOTHO (1)
- Press and information team of the Delegation to NIGERIA (5)
- Strategic Communications (15)
- #BeTheWave Stories (2)
- #coronavirus (1)
- #EU #EUTF #FMM #SBSGhana #NIS #GIS #Gender (1)
- #EU4HumanRights (1)
- #EUBeachCleanup (1)
- #EUBeachCleanup2021 (1)
- #EuropeDay2021 (1)
- #OurVoiceOurFuture (1)
- #TeamEurope (1)
- 16 days 2022 (1)
- Africa (195)
- African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) (10)
- African Union (AU) (19)
- Andean Community (10)
- Andorra (122)
- Asia (181)
- Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) (11)
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) (13)
- Blog by HR/VP Josep Borrell (91)
- Blog coronavirus (9)
- Blogs HR/VP Josep Borrell (85)
- Central American Integration System (SICA) (10)
- Central Asia (166)
- Children and Armed Conflict (1)
- Child rights (2)
- Citizenship (1)
- civilian CSDP (1)
- Climate (1)
- Climate, Environment & Energy (26)
- Climate-Environment (1)
- climate action (1)
- Climate Diplomacy Weeks 2019 (1)
- Common Foreign & Security Policy (CFSP) (5)
- Common market for eastern and southern Africa (COMESA) (10)
- Communauté Économique des États de l’Afrique Central (CEEAC) (10)
- Coronavirus (7)
- Coronavirus COVID19 (4)
- Counter-Terrorism (1)
- Countering disinformation (3)
- COVID-Vaccine (2)
- Crisis Response (1)
- CSDP (1)
- Culture (4)
- Death Penalty (1)
- DeathPenalty (1)
- Development Cooperation (19)
- Digital Diplomacy (1)
- Diversity (1)
- Eastern Europe (166)
- Eastern Partnership (118)
- Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) (10)
- Economic Relations, Connectivity & Innovation (14)
- Education (1)
- EEAS (2)
- EEAS10 (1)
- Election observation missions (EUEOMs) (2)
- Energy Diplomacy (1)
- Environment and climate change (7)
- EU-LAC HR/VP (2)
- EU Arctic Policy (1)
- EU Enlargement & Neighbourhood (13)
- EU facilitated dialogue: Belgrade - Pristina relations (1)
- EU International Cyberspace Policy (1)
- Europe and Central Asia (177)
- European Economic Area (EEA) (10)
- EuropeDay-Borrell (1)
- EuropeDay2020 (1)
- Faroe Islands (113)
- food security (1)
- Foreign Affairs Council (10)
- Foreign policy instruments (12)
- French Southern Territories (116)
- Gender and Diversity (8)
- Gender Equality (1)
- Gender Equality - Africa (1)
- Global Gateway (1)
- Global Tech Panel (1)
- Goal 13 (1)
- Goal 14 (1)
- Greenland (116)
- Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) (10)
- Health (5)
- HRVP-Ukraine (5)
- Humanitarian & Emergency Response (9)
- Humanitarian aid (1)
- Human Rights & Democracy (64)
- Human Rights Campaigns (2)
- Indian Ocean Commission (10)
- IndoPacific (1)
- Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) (10)
- International Criminal Justice Day (2)
- International Day (1)
- International Days (26)
- International Days 2020 (15)
- International Days 2023 (3)
- International Energy Agency (IEA) (18)
- Latin America & the Caribbean (178)
- League of Arab States (LAS) (10)
- Lesotho (1)
- Let Children be Children (7)
- Liechtenstein (123)
- Lorenzo Natali (1)
- Lorenzo Natali Media Prize (1)
- Maritime Security (1)
- Middle East & North Africa (MENA) (176)
- Migration (1)
- Military and civilian missions and operations (5)
- Monaco (123)
- North America (174)
- North Korea (149)
- Nuclear Safety (1)
- ocean activism (1)
- ocean governance (1)
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (10)
- Organisation for Security&Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) (13)
- Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) (10)
- Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) (10)
- Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) (166)
- Pacific (174)
- Peace, Security and Defence (22)
- Protection of Civilians (1)
- Refugee protection & Migration (10)
- refugees (1)
- repatriation (1)
- Sanctions policy (1)
- save the planet (1)
- Science (1)
- Science Diplomacy (2)
- SDG 13 (1)
- SDG 14 (1)
- SDGs (1)
- smurfs (1)
- South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) (10)
- Southern African Development Community (SADC) (10)
- St Pierre and Miquelon (116)
- Strategic Compass (1)
- sustainable development goals (3)
- Syria Brussels V Conference (1)
- therealchallenge (2)
- Trade (1)
- travel (1)
- Ukraine (4)
- Ukraine-Solidarity (1)
- UNGA74 (2)
- UNGA 75 (3)
- Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) (10)
- United Nations (UN) (64)
- UN Peacekeeping (1)
- Water Diplomacy (3)
- Western Balkans (168)
- Western Europe (167)
- women and girls (1)
- women empowerment (2)
- Women Peace and Security (1)
- World Humanitarian Day (1)
- world peace day (1)
- World Refugee Day (1)
- Youth (1)
13. European Union Human Rights Short Film Competition is open for applications until November 1st
Blog Post
Ambassador Samuela Isopi hails Nigerian youths as 200 depart for Europe on Erasmus Scholarships