European Union deploys 48 long-term election observers for the 2022 General Elections

The European Union Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) to Kenya deployed 48 observers today to begin long-term observation of the 9 August 2022 general elections in 39 (out of 47) counties.

Based on an invitation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kenya, the EU EOM, led by Chief Observer Ivan Štefanec, Member of the European Parliament from Slovakia, started its activities in Nairobi on 27 June with the arrival of a core team of 12 experts.

At the EOM Headquarters in Nairobi, the Chief Observer said: “Today we are deploying 24 teams of Long-Term Observers, each with two members, who will assess various aspects of the process, including the campaign and preparations for the elections across Kenya. Long-Term Observers are instrumental to the mission’s conduct of a full and comprehensive assessment of the electoral process, in line with the EU’s established election observation methodology”.

The Long-Term Observers (LTOs) come from 25 EU Member States, as well as Norway and Switzerland. They will be meeting local election officials, candidates, representatives from political parties as well as civil society and local media up to and beyond election day. The information gathered will inform the EU EOM core team based in Nairobi about elections-related developments in counties and constituencies across the country.

The mission will be reinforced around election day with 48 Short-Term Observers (STOs) as well as a delegation from the European Parliament. An additional number of representatives from EU embassies as well as embassies of Norway, Switzerland and Canada will add to this contingent.

The EU EOM will present its preliminary findings to the public shortly after the 9 August election day and remain in Kenya until the completion of the electoral process, including in case of a second round of presidential elections, and the complaints and appeals process. The final report of the EU EOM, including its recommendations, will be published approximately three months after the completion of the electoral process.

The EU EOM is bound by a code of conduct, which requires strict neutrality and non-interference. It undertakes its work in accordance with the Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation, endorsed under UN auspices in 2005.

The EU EOM operates under a separate and distinct mandate from the EU Delegation in Kenya and it is independent in its findings from EU Member States and all EU institutions.

For further information, please contact the press office of the EU EOM Kenya 2022.

Marek Mracka,
Press Officer,; +254 712 07 09 07

Faith Wamalwa
Press Officer Assistant,; +254 728 66 94 62