EU actors celebrate International Human Rights Day in the Central African Republic


On December 10, 2020, the EU extended family in the Central African Republic including the civilian EU Advisory Mission, the military EU Training Mission and the diplomatic EU delegation organized a reception for local counterparts and international partners to celebrate International Human Rights Day, the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


The recent adoption of the third EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy (2020-2024) gave further reason for this celebration. The aforementioned Action Plan provides a new political roadmap aiming to position the EU as a geostrategic and credible global defender of core values and interests – with observance of human rights among the key interests of the European Union.

The head of the civilian EU Advisory Mission Paulo Soares underlined in his speech the importance of human rights for the mandates of the three respective EU entities present in the Central African Republic and their willingness to help their local counterparts, mainly the Internal Security Forces, the Central African Armed Forces and Judiciary to integrate, protect, respect and implement human rights.

The planning and execution of the event showed once again an excellent transversal cooperation between the Delegation and the EU missions present in the country.