Libyan Border Guard Training Center: A significant milestone

EUBAM Libya is proud of the successful cooperation with the Libyan authorities to establish the Libyan Border Guard Training Center in Tripoli. The inauguration has been on 11 June 2023.

“We are very happy to announce the inauguration of the Libyan Border Guard Training center after a long and fruitful cooperation with the Libyan Border Guards. It is a significant milestone in our joint efforts to enhance border management in Libya in the respect of rule of law and human rights”, states Natalina Cea, Head of Mission, at the opening ceremony.

Inauguration Ceremony with HoM Natalina Cea

After months of restoration work, the former building has been transformed into a functional and high-class learning institute.

“With support from EUBAM, the Libyan authorities will be able to better secure their borders for more prosperity and peace”, says Jérôme Buaillon, head of EUBAM Libya operations.

Inauguration Ceremony


The overall objective of this activity has been to support Libyan border guards in providing better training capacity to its staff and strengthening the operational capacity in the long term. The scope of the Mission’s project was to rehabilitate also the student accommodation building (enabling student’s and trainer’s participation from various parts of the country), comprising a two-story building. The project was successfully completed with ambitious renovation and it will enable sustainable in-house training capacities.

Inauguration Ceremony Tripoli