Strengthening Libya's Border Security: A Promising Partnership Between the Ministry of Interior and EUBAM

A productive meeting at the General Administration for Relations and Cooperation headquarters in Tripoli on 25 December marked a significant step forward in Libya's quest for enhanced border security. Major General Nouraddine Abujreida, (Head of the General Administration for Relations and Cooperation of the Ministry of Interior), and Alessio Zuccarini (Head of Operations from EUBAM Libya), led a fruitful discussion focused on capacity building, resource improvement, and sustainable project implementation.

Both Major General Abujreida and Mr. Zuccarini stressed the importance of strengthening cooperation between the Ministry of the Interior and EUBAM. Major General Abujreida expressed full support for the Specialized Training Institute. The Specialized Training Institute will play a pivotal role in delivering high-level training for Libyan border personnel. The aim is to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively manage borders, address irregular migration, and ensure overall security. The discussions also explored the possibility of utilizing resources offered by the European Union, such as specialized teams and visiting experts, to further enhance training and coaching efforts.