EU Regulations and Sustainability
The Procurement Section ensures the timely acquisition of material means required for EUCAP Somalia (equipment and consumables, services and premises) through tender procedures.
The Mission’s contracting and procurement processes and procedures are carried out in accordance with the following EU regulations, as laid down in the Contribution Agreement CFSP/2022/39/EUCAP between the European Commission and EUCAP Somalia:
- The Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the European Union, and
- The Practical Guide on contract procedures for European Union external action (PRAG).
Please also see:
- General Conditions for Service contracts (Annex B2. of the PRAG)
- General Conditions for Supply contracts (Annex B2. of the PRAG)
Procurement procedures must comply with the procurement principles of sound financial management, competition, transparency, proportionality, equal treatment and non-discrimination, as required by the applicable regulations.
Sustainable Procurement
EUCAP Somalia has developed a far reaching policy on Sustainable Procurement with ambitious strategic aims and targets in both the social and environmental domains.
As one of the facets of Sustainable Procurement, EUCAP Somalia Gender Responsive Procurement entails the promotion and enhanced participation of Women-led businesses/Gender Responsive economic operators and Small-Medium Sized Enterprises to our business opportunities.
We welcome sustainable solutions – incl. gender mainstreaming and greening – and invite economic operators to fill in the Questionnaire-Gender-and-Procurement and send it to: in order to register onto our Suppliers’ Database.
Future Business Opportunities
Calls for Expressions of Interest (CfEol) are published here by the Tender Section, for the purpose of surveying the interest of the market and identifying potentially suitable economic operators, who are not in an exclusion situation and are capable to implement the concerned project.
Economic operators interested in participating in any of the published procurement processes should follow the instructions provided in the relevant CfEol; and express their interest by utilising “Application form” (Annex A), Declaration on honour (Annex B), Legal Entity Form for Private / Public law bodies with legal form or Natural persons (Annexes C), as well as the Questionnaire-Gender-and-Procurement (Annex D) and send them via email by the closing date to:
(N.B. Economic operators are advised to use Microsoft Edge Internet browser.)
When emailing the Procurement Section, economic operators are requested to specify in the subject of their email the relevant procurement reference number (starting with “PROC_ECS_”).
Latest Calls for Expression of Interest:
Call for Expression of Interest - MFWC for new Infrastructures (PROC_ECS_2023_067)
Published 28 January, 2024
Application Form - Expression of Interest PROC_ECS_2023_067
Published 28 January, 2024
Information meetings
The EUCAP Somalia Tender Section schedules online information meetings to provide guidance to interested economic operators on the general rules governing the Mission procurement procedures. The information meetings will be held regularly on a quarterly basis.
The date of the next information meeting is still to be announced. The meeting is estimated to take one (1) hour.
Economic operators interested in participating in the next information meeting should send notice of their interest, together with a filled in Legal Entity Form, to:
When expressing their interest, operators can include questions in writing, which will be addressed during the information meeting.
Disclaimer: The objective of information meetings is NOT to address issues related to specific EUCAP Somalia procurement procedures nor ongoing business opportunities; which are both subject to the requirements set out in the respective Tender Dossiers.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Please note for more detailed information on our procurement processes, we hold online ‘Open Information Meetings’ on a regular basis. Economic operators interested in participating in the next ‘Open Information Meetings’ should send notice of their interest, together with a filled in Legal Entity Form.
1. Where are EUCAP Somalia business opportunities published?
- A list of future business opportunities is published here:
2. How can a company or individual submit a tender application?
Instructions on how to submit a Tender with EUCAP Somalia will be detailed in the respective procedure’s Tender Dossier, which is notified to invited tenderers. Currently, EUCAP Somalia accepts two methods of submission:
- By email (please note the current size limit is 9MB)
- Either by post or by courier service, in which case the date of the postal stamp or the date of the deposit slip can be used as evidence of receipt. We also accept deliveries by the participant in person, or by an agent directly to the premises of the contracting authority, in return for a signed and dated receipt. The receipt would then serve as evidence of delivery.
Please note in 2023 EUCAP Somalia intends to fully digitise its procurement processes by setting up an E-tendering platform. The platform will also entail a Suppliers’ Database with subscription services for registered suppliers.
3. Are all business opportunities published?
Business opportunities are published in compliance with EU transparency requirements outlined in EU procurement regulations.
In accordance with these regulations and EUCAP Somalia’s procurement policy, business opportunities are published where:
- Their estimated value is above EUR 20,000.00, or
- The publication is deemed appropriate for market survey purposes, and
- The publication is not contrary to confidentiality requirements
4. What are the main award criteria?
With some exceptions, the award criteria for service contracts is generally the best price-quality ratio; for supply contracts it is generally the price only, depending on the tender. The specific award criteria are published in the respective procedure’s Tender Dossier, namely the document entitled Contract Notice, under point 17 (services) and point 19 (supplies).
5. Do bank statements need to be attested by the Bank?
The bank statement has to confirm all the information listed in the Financial Identification Form, which is submitted as part of the tender, under ‘Account name’, ‘Account number/Iban’ and ‘Bank name’. With an attached bank statement, the stamp of the bank and the signature of the bank’s representative are not required. However, the signature of the account-holder and the date are always mandatory.
6. Equal treatment and non-discrimination
In line with the basic rules on Equal treatment and non-discrimination “{…} all tenderers must be afforded equal opportunities when formulating their tenders, which therefore implies that the tenders of all competitors must be subject to the same conditions.” (Procurement and Grants for European Union external actions – A Practical Guide, 24 June 2022).
Recipients of procurement contracts
Recipients of procurement contracts are published here by the Procurement Section to ensure our procurement processes are fully transparent, in compliance with the Delegation Agreement between the European Commission and EUCAP Somalia.
Procurement ref | Title | Type of contract | Date of signature | (max) Value in Euros | Recipient | Nationality | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_069 | Multimedia Services LOT 1,2 and 3 | SER | 09/09/2021 | 29800 | Admedia Ltd. | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_034 | AVs Maintenance Hargeisa | SER | 03/08/2021 | 20000 | Toyota S3 Hargeisa | Somaliland | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_049 | Insurance Services for Office Building | SER | 16/06/2021 | KES 968,131.00 | Kenya Orient Insurance Ltd. | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_003 | Internet Connectivity - Nairobi | SER | 01/04/2021 | 9522 | Seacom Kenya Limited | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_037 | Vehicles (Ford Everest) - Maintenance | SER | 05/05/2021 | 14070.30 | Golden Auto Centre Ltd | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_020 | Audit mandate 7M (2019-2020) | SER | 13/05/2021 | 34498.75 | BDO LLP | UK | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_107 | Printed Material - Lots I, Mogadishu & II, Somaliland | SUP | 21/10/2021 | 9940 | Fortune Print Centre Ltd. | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_076 | Project - Containers | SUP | 22/10/2021 | 291149.10 | Physical Risk Solutions | UAE | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_111 | Intermediate Audit 8M | SER | 09/12/2021 | 30758.75 | BDO LLP | UK | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_006 | Rental of Radio Site | SER | 06/12/2021 | 6600 | JAZEERA PALACE HOTEL | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_066 | Promotional (Visibility) Items LOT 1 and 3 | SUP | 12/04/2022 | 38582 | Carl F.H Moller GmbH | Germany | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_066 | Promotional (Visibility) Items LOT 2 | SUP | 12/04/2022 | 12105 | Rupas Gift Centre | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_201 | Mass Notification System Relaunch | SER | 24/05/2022 | 6959.65 | Cordaware GmbH Informationslogistik | Germany | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_005 | Vehicles Cleaning Equipment | SUP | 23/08/2022 | 18849.74 | Equipment Logistics Inc. | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_023 | Cleaning Services - Nairobi | SER | 31/12/2020 | KES 908,496.00 | PARAPET Ltd. | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_014 | Comms Training | SER | 09/04/2021 | 8302 | Danimex Communications A/S | Denmark | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_031 | Fuel - Hargeisa | SUP | 29/04/2021 | 10000 | AL HUSAIN FUEL STATION | Somaliland | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_055_R | Equipment & Emergency Trauma Bags Lots 1,4&5 | SUP | 26/04/2022 | 453431.86 | AP services A/S | Denmark | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_055_R | Diagnostic Tools Lot 3a | SUP | 18/04/2022 | 105361 | Steplabs Technical Services Ltd | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_055 | Medical Consumables and Equipment | SUP | 10/10/2022 | 108534.45 | AP services A/S | Denmark | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_106 | Project - EU good practice transfer in EOD K9 | SER | 26/04/2022 | 16763.72 | Dr. Ibrahim Abukar Shegow | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_015 | Bossaso MMs' Accommodation & additional services | LEASE | 12/09/2022 | 1792500 | Greencastle Group of Company | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_035 | AVs acquisition | SER | 01/07/2022 | 2859500 | International Armored Group (IAG) | UAE | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_019 | Boat training and equipment | SUP | 01/08/2022 | 19999 | AMS Integrated Solutions FZ-LLC | UAE | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_097 | Flying Doctors Service Provider Agreement (AMREF) | SER | 11/05/2021 | Above 20,000.00 | AMREF | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_073 | Project - Comprehensive Events - Lot II Somaliland & Lot III Puntland | SER | 14/06/2021 | 53545 | Stichting Kaalo Nederland NGO | Netherlands | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_073 | Project - Comprehensive Events - Lot 1 | SER | 09/09/2021 | USD 95,080.00 | SKA INTERNATIONAL GROUP DMCC | UAE | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_103 | Armoured Vehicles' Air Freight Forwarding Services - Lot I Puntland & Lot II Somaliland | SER | 25/06/2021 | 253900 | Diplomat Freight Services LTD | UK | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_104 | NBO MMs' Accommodation | SER | 29/06/2021 | USD 50,000.00 | Leisure Park Development Ltd. | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_048 (R) | Project - Civil Engineering Services - Lot 1 Mogadishu, Lot 2 Hargeisa/Berbera & Lot 3 Garowe/Bosasso | SER | 26/01/2022 | 209000 | SETAC Engineering Consultancy | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_120 | International Legal Representation Services | SER | 10/02/2022 | 75000 | EU LEGIS Avocats SCPRL | Belgian | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_110 | Local Legal Representation Services | SER | 13/02/2022 | 30000 | Africa Legal Risk Control | UK | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_092 | Meals Ready to Eat (MRE's) | SUP | 29/03/2021 | 10274.50 | NOWAR Security Equipment | Germany | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_024 | Drinking Water Hargeisa (R) | SUP | 15/03/2021 | 19204.83 | Ambassador Hotel Hargeisa | Somaliland | ||||||
ROC_ECS_2022_021 | Transport of AVs from FOM to FOG | SER | 27/09/2022 | 114200 | Alpha Cargo Line ltd. | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_039 | Lease Agreement Hargeisa | LEASE | 04/10/2022 | USD 1,506,360.00 | Ambassador Hotel Hargeisa | Somaliland | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_036 | (Relaunch) Soft skin Vehicles - Nairobi | SUP | 18/10/2022 | 249778.95 | CROWN MOTORS GROUP LTD. | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_026 | Situational reporting | SUP | 05/12/2022 | 44899.20 | Vates Corp | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_011 | MFiles License Upgrade | SER | 26/07/2022 | 60000 | VM Consulting CC | South Africa | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_012 | Project - Hybrid Conferences | SER | 25/07/2022 | USD 90,924.70 | RA International | UAE | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_009 | Nairobi MMs' Accommodation Cascade 1 of 2 | LEASE | 25/07/2022 | USD 389,000.00 | Jupiter Real Limited (Ibis styles) | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_009 | Nairobi MMs' Accommodation Cascade 2 of 2 | LEASE | 25/07/2022 | USD 389,000.00 | Leisure Park Development Ltd. | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_008 | Supply of Ground Fuel MHQ '22 - Lot I MHQ & Lot II Project | SUP | 08/06/2022 | 77201.75 | SKA INTERNATIONAL GROUP DMCC | UAE | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_072 | Project - Knowledge Management System | SER | 19/01/2022 | 19500 | Prof. Dr. Klaus North | Germany | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_203 | Senior Procurement Assistant Consultancy Services | SER | 13/01/2022 | KES 2,523,000.00 | Nima Hassan | Djibouti | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_051 | Hygiene Services (Food and Water Testing) | SER | 30/04/2021 | 30000 | Analabs Ltd | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_008 | VoIP Services | SER | 05/05/2021 | 10000 | Centrea CV | Belgium | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_084 | Project - Printing and Editing Services | SER | 03/06/2021 | 18800 | Fortune Print centre ltd. | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_005 | GSM Services Nairobi | SER | 20/06/2021 | KES 956,985.61 | Safaricom PLC | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_082 | Project - Project and Change Management Training | SER | 20/09/2021 | 10805 | African Development Resource centre Ltd. | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_115 | COVID-19 Antigen Tests | SUP | 15/10/2021 | 19900 | Steplabs Technical Services Ltd | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_108 | Project - Lot I MOG - Maritime ENG | SER | 24/10/2021 | 19899 | East Africa University | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_177 | Weapons' Freight Forwarding Services' (Relaunch) | SER | 07/01/2021 | 34199.87 | Diplomat Freight Services LTD | UK | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_004 | Medevac services | SER | 16/05/2022 | 910000 | FAI Rent-a-Jet GmbH | Germany | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_038 | Ford Everest Insurance | SER | 26/08/2022 | KES 870,516.00 | CIC INSURANCE LTD | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_014 | Kennel rehabilitation at SPF EOD-K9 | SUP | 08/12/2022 | 19779.27 | HOST General Services | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_030 | Fuel Garowe | SUP | 12/10/2022 | 42000 | Puntland Petroleum Company | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_013 | Project - Boat Parts, Services and Maintenance | SUP | 22/10/2022 | USD 12,000.00 | Mohamed Fouad Mohamed | Somaliland | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_024 | Banknotes counting machines | SUP | 24/11/2022 | 12000 | Mediant International ltd. | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_022 | Maritime English training in Bosasso | SER | 28/11/2022 | 14712 | East Africa University | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_030 | 'Cleaning services-Nairobi' | SER | 13/12/2022 | 15366.24 | PARAPET Ltd. | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_021 | Financial Liability Insurance (RELAUNCH) | SER | 19/12/2022 | 13662.5 | Vanbreda Risk & Benefits | Belgium | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_038 | Vehicle Insurance NBO NEW | SER | 26/01/2023 | 100000 | CIC INSURANCE LTD | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_001 | Drinking water Field Office Somaliland/Hargeisa | SUP | 01/03/2023 | 10000 | Ambassador Hotel Hargeisa | Somaliland | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_112 | Final Audit 8M | SER | 03/04/2023 | 30758.75 | BDO LLP | UK | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_033 | Projects/OPS-Workshop and equipment for boats FOM | SUP | 22/10/2022 | USD 12,000.00 | Mohamed Fouad Mohamed | Somaliland | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_007 | New Application Development and Support | SER | 10/04/2023 | 35000 | Herufi Technologies Ltd | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_004 | Temporary Lease Berbera | LEASE | 27/02/2023 | 81,780.00 USD | Mansoor Classic and Transport Hotel | Somaliland | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023-005 | Fuel Nairobi | SUP | 31/03/2023 | 120000 | OLA Kenya Ltd. | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_008 | Event venue in Mogadishu | SUP | 20/02/2023 | USD 10,000.00 | Decale Hotel Management & Tourism Company | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_029 | FOH vehicle maintenance | SER | 01/01/2023 | USD 37,317.60 | Mobile Fuundi Technology Ltd. | Somaliland | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_027 | Firearms training | SER | 07/11/2022 | 14400 | Christian Stafrace | Malta | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_016 | Armored Vehicles Sea Freight from UAE to Somalia | SUP | 08/12/2022 | 200000 | FGi Inc F.Z.E | UAE | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_202 | Internet Connectivity Mogadishu | SER | 27/10/2021 | 885,168.00 | Axess Network Solutions German GmbH | German | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_169 | E-tendering Platform | SER | 2020/10/27 | 150,000.00 | IN-TEND LTD | United Kingdom | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_132 | Armoured Vehicles (AVs) Rental - Lot I Mogadishu MHQ – Lot II Somaliland & Lot III Puntland | SER | 2021/01/21 | 1,096,800.00 | CASTOR VALI LTD | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_119 | MSs' Flags & Poles | SUP | 18/02/2022 | 8,414.00 | Cobitec Brands Ltd | Kenyan | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_118 | Covid-19 PCR tests | SUP | 2022/01/13 | 55,765.85 | Somali Sudanese Specialized | Federal Republic of Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_117 | DMS training, advisory and design | SER | 27/01/2022 | 70,200.00 | VM Consulting CC | South African | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_115 | COVID-19 Antigen tests | SUP | 2021/10/15 | 19,900.00 | Steplabs Technical Services Ltd | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_111 | Intermediate Audit 8M | SER | 2021/12/09 | 30,758.75 | BDO LLP | United Kingdom | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_108 | Project - Lot I MOG - Maritime ENG | SER | 2021/10/24 | 19,899.00 | East Africa University | Puntland State of Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_107 | Printed Material | SUP | 21/10/2021 | 9,940.00 | Fortune Print | Kenyan | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_104 | Nairobi Mission Members' Accommodation | SER | 2021/04/29 | 42,419.25 | LEISURE PARK DEVELOPMENT LTD - RADISSON BLU HOTEL & RESIDENCE | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_103 | Armoured Vehicles' Air Freight Forwarding Services | SER | 2021/06/25 | 253,900.00 | DIPLOMAT FREIGHT SERVICES LTD | United Kingdom | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_102 | VSAT Communication Services | SER | 2021/10/27 | 885,168.00 | AXESS Networks Solutions Germany GmbH | Germany | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_099 | Operational equipment for Armed Protection Officer | SUP | 2021/05/27 | 130,459.14 | NOWAR SECURITY EQUIPMENT GMBH | Germany | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_095 | Armoured Vehicles (AVs) Rental - Somaliland | SER | 2021/05/18 | 238,080.00 | PHYSICAL RISK SOLUTIONS | United Arab Emirates | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_094 | Shelters | SUP | 2021/06/25 | 229,554.00 | CAMP OPERATING GROUP LTD | Cyprus | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_088 | Project - Office furniture 3 lots | SUP | 2021/08/05 | 151,915.00 | FGI INC. FZE | United Arab Emirates | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_084 | Project-Printing and Editing Services | SER | 2021/06/31 | 18,800.00 | FORTUNE PRINT CENTRE LIMITED | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_083 | Situational Reporting | SER | 2021/01/01 | 39,712.3 | VATES CORP LIMITED | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_083 | Logistics Services for Project Items, Lot I Mogadishu, Lot II Hargeisa & Lot III Garowe | SER | 2021/07/14 | 41,846.00 | GULF AGENCY MARILL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY | Somaliland | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_083 | Logistics Services for Project Items, Lot IV Nairobi | SER | 2021/07/17 | 28,686.82 | ADCO GROUP OF COMPANIES | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_078 | Project - Maritime Training Material | SUP | 2021/10/20 | 95,046.75 | FGi Inc F.Z.E | United Arab Emirates | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_077 | Project - Power Generators & Solar System Equipment LOT 1, LOT 2 and LOT 3 | SUP | 2021/12/01 | 193,916.34 | Somcast Networks Limited | Federal Republic of Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_077 | Project - Power generators and solar panels Lot 2 and Lot 5 | SUP | 2021/12/02 | 56,000.00 | Sayyid Contractors Company Limited (Sacco Ltd) | Federal Republic of Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_076 | Project - Containers | SUP | 2021/10/22 | 291,149.10 | Physical Risk Solutions | United Arab Emirates | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_075 | Project - Construction Materials & Installation Lot 2:"Installation Services" | SER | 2021/09/13 | 394,319.05 | VALAR LDT | Republic of Mauritius | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_075 | Project - Construction Materials & Installation Lot 1 :"Supply of construction materials" | SUP | 2021/09/15 | 399,927.62 | CASTOR VALI AFRICA LTD | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_074 | Project - Translation Services | SER | 2021/07/10 | 19,000.00 | SOM LAW FIRM AND CONSULTANCY | Puntland State of Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_073 | Project - Comprehensive Events Lot 3: "Garowe and Bosasso" | SER | 2021/06/14 | 53,545.00 | STICHTING KAALO NEDERLAND NGO | Nederland | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_073 | Project - Comprehensive Events Lot 2: "Hargeisa and Berbera" | SER | 2021/06/15 | 59,816.00 | AMBASSADOR HOTEL HARGEISA | Somaliland | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_073 | Project - Comprehensive Events Lot I: "Mogadishu" | SER | 2021/09/09 | 82,135.77 | SKA INTERNATIONAL GROUP DMCC | United Arab Emirates | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_069 | Multimedia Services | SER | 2021/09/09 | 29,800.00 | ADMEDIA COMMUNICATION LIMITED | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_068 | Communication Sourcing Services | SER | 2021/08/11 | 16,450.00 | FORESIGHT FILMS | Federal Republic of Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_066 | Promotional (Visibility) Items LOT 1&3 | SUP | 12/04/2022 | 38,582.00 | Carl F. H. Möller GmbH | German |
PROC_ECS_2021_066 | Promotional (Visibility) Items LOT 2 | SUP | 12/04/2022 | 12,105.00 | Rupas Gift Centre Ltd. | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_060 | Ammunitions | SUP | 2021/10/26 | 32,500.00 | Terrang-MP SEC France | France | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_059 | Incident Data Base Provider Contract | SER | 2021/01/26 | 20,000.00 | INTELYSE LLC | United Arab Emirates | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_057 | Private security services Kenya | SER | 2021/12/13 | 84,566.64 | G4S Kenya Limited | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_056 | Private security services Somalia | SER | 2022/03/01 | 4,921,300.00 | Belstone Dart International Ltd | United Kingdom | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_055 | Medical Consumables and Equipment – Lot 2 | SUP | 2022/01/10 | 108,534.45 | AP Services A/S | Denmark | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_051 | Hygiene Services (Food and Water Testing) | SER | 2021/04/30 | 30,000.00 | ANALABS LTD | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_047 | Lease Agreement Berbera Addendum no. 3 | SUP | 2021/03/06 | 23,226.92 | MANSOOR CLASSIC AND TOURISM HOTEL | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_046 | Local staff transportation (2 lots) | SUP | 2021/11/01 | 28,260.00 | Host General Services | Federal Republic of Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_040 | Berbera Lease Agreement | SER | 2021/06/25 | 208,142.78 | MAANSOOR CLASSIC AND TOURISM HOTEL | Somaliland | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_034 | Field Office Hargeisa Vehicle Maintenance | SUP | 2021/08/03 | 20,000.00 | TOYOTA S3 HARGEISA | Somaliland | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_028 | Fuel Nairobi Relaunch | SUP | 2021/07/01 | 20,000.00 | OLA ENERGY KENYA | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_024 | Drinking Water Field Office Hargeeisa Relaunch | SUP | 2021/03/11 | 19,204.83 | AMBASSADOR HOTEL | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_023 | Addendum no. 1 Cleaning Services | SER | 2022/01/01 | 908,496.00 | Parapet Limited | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_020 | BDO LLP | SER | 2021/05/13 | 34,498.75 | AUDIT 7TH MANDATE (2019 - 2020) | United Kingdom | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_019 | Legal services representation | SER | 2020/12/07 | 55,000.00 | EU LEGIS AVOCATS SPRL | Belgium | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_019 | Legal service representation Addendum no. 1 | SER | 2021/09/02 | 25,060.00 | EU LEGIS AVOCATS SPRL | Belgium | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_017 | Service Framework Contract for European Union External Actions financed from the General Budget of the Union | SUP | 2021/04/08 | 110,250.00 | HERUFI TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_016 | Communication Equipment | SUP | 2021/09/10 | 724,992.77 | BELSTONE DART INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | United Kingdom | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_016 | Communication Equipment | SUP | 2021/09/09 | 827,942.00 | INTERTECH GROUP SARL | France | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_016 | Communication Equipment | SUP | 2021/09/09 | 759,260.82 | DANIMEX COMMUNICATION A/S | Denmark | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_011 | IT equipment | SUP | 2021/11/25 | 599,778.23 | FGi Solutions/FGi Inc FZE | United Arab Emirates | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_004 | GSM Services MOG | SER | 2021/06/17 | 19,680.00 | HORMUUD TELECOM | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_002 | Internet Connectivity Mogadishu | SER | 2021/04/01 | 216,576.20 | SOMCAST NETWORKS LIMITED | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_001_6 | Consultancy Services Addendum no. 1 | SER | 2021/06/25 | 15,056.78 | ANGELINE MUTUMI KATUNGA | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_001_5 | Consultancy Services | SER | 2020/12/31 | 15,271.37 | JOSEPH NBADU | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_001_5 | Consultancy Services Addendum no. 1 | SER | 2021/06/24 | 19,348.91 | JOSEPH NDABU | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_001_4 | Consultancy Services Addendum no. 1 | SER | 2021/06/23 | 17,910.68 | CATHERINE NALIAKA WAVOMBA | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_001_3 | Consultancy Services Addendum no. 1 | SER | 2021/06/25 | 18,964.39 | KEN STANLEY GITAU MAKARA | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_001_2 | Consultancy Services Addendum no. 1 | SER | 2021/06/28 | 19,583.88 | CAROLINE MUJAKACHI | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_001_14 | Consultancy Services Addendum no. 1 | SER | 2021/06/23 | 19,449.47 | NORAH MUTHEU MUTINDA | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_001_13 | Consultancy Services Addendum no. 1 | SER | 2021/06/23 | 18,423.63 | ALICE WANJA MAINA | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_001_12 | Consultancy Services Addendum no. 1 | SER | 2021/06/23 | 17,910.68 | CALEB VOKILA MBITHI | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_001_10 | Consultancy Services Addendum no. 1 | SER | 2021/06/24 | 19,449.47 | CATHERINE NJERI RAO | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_001_1 | Consultancy Services Addendum no. 1 | SER | 2021/06/24 | 18,711.92 | LAWRENCE NGUITUI WACHIURI | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2021_001_09 | Consultancy Services Addendum no. 1 | SER | 2021/06/29 | 17,910.68 | DORIS WANGAI | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_178 | Armoured vehicles' sea/air freight forwarding | SUP | 2020/12/24 | 108,753.00 | FGI SOLUTIONS / FGI INC FZE | United Arab Emirates | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_177 | Weapons' Freight Forwarding Services | SER | 2021/01/07 | 34,199.87 | DIPLOMATIC FREIGHT SERVICES LTD | United Kingdom | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_176 | ECM Equipment | SUP | 2020/11/27 | 1,067,290.00 | KIRINTEC LIMITED | United Kingdom | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_175 | Armoured vehicles Freight Forwarding Services | SER | 2020/12/06 | 734,000.00 | CASTOR VALI LTD | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_171 | AVs ECM Support | SER | 2020/09/24 | 17,835.80 | EW SOLUTIONS LTD | United Kingdom | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_170 | Medical Personal Protection Equipment | SUP | 2020/08/31 | 15,704.51 | FGI INC FZE | United Arab Emirates | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_168_2 | Air Ambulance Services – Mogadishu, Somalia – Europe | SER | 2020/05/11 | 500,000.00 | FAI RENT-A-JET INCORPORATED COMPANY | Germany | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_168_2 | Air Ambulance Services – Mogadishu, Somalia – Europe | SER | 2020/05/10 | 500,000.00 | BANCROFT SPECIALTY LOGISTICS LLC | United States of America | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_168_2 | Medical Air Evacuation Services (MEDEVAC) Addendum no. 3 | SER | 2021/04/07 | 250,000.00 | BANCROFT SPECIALITY LOGISTICS LLC | United States of America | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_168_2 | Medical Air Evacuation Services (MEDEVAC) Addendum no. 3 | SER | 2021/04/07 | 250,000.00 | FAI RENT-A-JET INCORPORATED COMPANY | Germany | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_167 | Relocation Air Services - Chartered Flight, Mogadishu, Somalia - Europe | SUP | 2020/04/07 | 154,515.00 | BANCROFT SPECIALTY LOGISTICS LLC | United States of America | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_160 | Legal Consultancy Services for Field Office Garowe | SER | 2020/09/30 | 19,500.00 | AHMED MOHAMUD HASSAN OMAR | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_158 | Project - Lot 1 Mogadishu & Lot 2 Berbera - COVID-19 Prevention measures for Somali Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies | SUP | 2020/07/20 | 100,000.00 | NES POLIPACK LIMITED | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_156 | Project - MHQ - Hand washing Facilities | SUP | 2020/07/20 | 200,051.40 | CASTOR VALI LTD | United Kingdom | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_156 | Project - MHQ - Hand washing Facilities Addendum no. 1 | SUP | 2020/12/21 | 43,185.60 | CASTOR VALI LTD | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_155 | Project - Modular Floating Jetty-Berbera | SUP | 2020/09/08 | 76,252.70 | CASTOR VALI LTD | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_152 | Maritime ENG - Lot 1 MOG | SER | 2020/11/23 | 24,500.00 | ABDIFATAH HASSAN HUBOW | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_152 | Maritime ENG – Lot 3 Puntland | SER | 2020/11/24 | 19,960.00 | EAST AFRICA UNIVERSITY | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_152 | Maritime ENG - Lot 2 Somaliland | SER | 2020/11/28 | 24,680.00 | BERBERA MARITIME AND FISHERIES ACADEMY | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_152 | Maritime ENG - Lot 1 MOG Addendum no. 1 | SER | 2021/06/16 | 24,375.00 | ABDIFATAH HASSAN HUBOW | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_151 | Lot 2 Project - MHQ - Services for renovation of Law Enforcement Agency facilities | SER | 2020/08/03 | 93,052.10 | CASTOR VALI LTD | United Kingdom | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_150 | Lot 1 Project - MHQ - Supplies for renovation of Law Enforcement Agency facilities | SUP | 2020/08/03 | 119,357.05 | CASTOR VALI LTD | United Kingdom | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_132 | Rental of Armoured Vehicles - Lot 1 "Mogadishu", Lot 2 "Garowe" & Lot 3 "Hargeisa" | SUP | 2020/08/16 | 783,000.00 | CASTOR VALI LTD | United Kingdom | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_132 | Rent of Armoured Vehicles Addendum no. 1 | SUP | 2020/09/10 | 1,700,000.00 | CASTOR VALI LTD | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_130 | Application Development and Support Relaunch | SER | 2020/09/17 | 19,973.71 | DAVID ION.IONEL P.F.A. | Romania | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_103 | Project- Lot 1 Berbera & Lot 2 Bosasso-Merchant Vessels Boarding & Training Capacity_Relaunch | SUP | 2020/07/06 | 233,244.00 | SOM MARITIME SECURITY ORGANIZATION | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_070 | Medical Consumables and Equipment - LotB |
SUP | 2020/06/09 | 24,362.76 | AP SERVICES | Denmark | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_070 | Medical Consumables and Equipment - LotI |
SUP | 2020/04/28 | 19,000.00 | AP SERVICES | Denmark | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_070 | Medical Consumables and Equipment - Lots A-G |
SUP | 2020/04/28 | 80,692.16 | AP SERVICES | Denmark | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_070 | Medical Consumables & Equipment Lot I Addendum no. 1 | SUP | 2020/10/12 | 19,000.00 | AP SERVICES | Denmark | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_062 | Armoured vehicles acquisition | SUP | 2020/10/03 | 2,384,671.64 | THE ARMORED GROUP LLC | United States of America | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_062 | Addendum no. 1 AVs Acquisition | SUP | 2022/01/04 | 17,276.68 | The Armored Group, LLC | United States of America | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_054 | Supply of Ground Fuel MHQ 2020 |
SUP | 2020/04/30 | 80,000.00 | SKA INTERNATIONAL GROUP | United Arab Emirates | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_047 | Lease Agreement Berbera - 6 months bridge | SUP | 2020/01/26 | 104,451.90 | MANSOOR HOTEL BERBERA | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_041 | Lease Agreement Nairobi - Relocation | SUP | 2020/04/23 | 82,500.00 | LEISURE PARK DEVELOPMENT LTD | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_029 | Financial Liability Insurance | SER | 2020/12/18 | 27,235.00 | VANBREDA RISK & BENEFITS | Belgium | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_021 | Lease Agreement MHQ | SUP | 2020/08/18 | 28,808,736.00 | INDIAN OCEAN PROPERTIES LLC (BANCROFT) | United States of America | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_003 | GSM services MHQ 2020 |
SER | 2020/05/20 | 19,200.00 | HORMUUD TELECOM | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_001_2 | Consultancy services - Senior Finance Assistant | SER | 2020/01/01 | 15,162.00 | CAROLINE MUJAKACHI | Zimbabwe | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2020_001_11 | Consultancy services - Senior Procurement Assistant | SER | 2020/01/01 | 15,510.00 | NIMA HASSAN | Djibouti | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_142 | Drinking Water Hargeisa | SUP | 2020/01/14 | 15,559.16 | AMBASSADOR HOTEL | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_140 | “Bunkers” | SUP | 2020/11/15 | 247,451.00 | CREWSHILED LTD | United Kingdom | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_139 | Project - Containers | SUP | 2020/05/17 | 320,000.00 | TEKNOPOWER KENYA LTD | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_139 | Project - Containers Addendum no. 1 | SUP | 2020/12/21 | 156,611.30 | RAPID SAS | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_138 | Project - Tents | SUP | 2019/12/13 | 16,800.00 | SHADES SYSTEMS (EA) | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_137 | Legal Counselling Services | SER | 2019/12/16 | 19,987.50 | EULEGIS | Belgium | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_136 | Armoured Vehicles - Spare Parts, Maintenance & Repairs | SUP | 2020/02/13 | 180,000.00 | SKA INTERNATIONAL GROUP | United Arab Emirates | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_130 | Application development support | SER | 2019/05/20 | 19,987.00 | IONEL DAVID | Romania | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_129 | Audit mandate 2017 - 2018 (5M) | SER | 2019/08/20 | 23,600.00 | DELOITTE REVISEURS D'ENTREPRISES SCRL | Belgium | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_128 | Audit mandate 2016 - 2017 (4M) | SER | 2019/08/20 | 20,500.00 | DELOITTE REVISEURS D'ENTREPRISES SCRL | Belgium | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_127 | Audit mandate 2014 - 2015 (3M) | SER | 2019/08/05 | 20,500.00 | DELOITTE REVISEURS D'ENTREPRISES SCRL | Belgium | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_126 | Audit mandate 2018 (6M) | SER | 2019/07/29 | 23,600.00 | DELOITTE REVISEURS D'ENTREPRISES SCRL | Belgium | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_121 | Consultancy services - Procurement_1 2019 | SER | 2019/05/01 | 20,000.00 | NIMA HASSAN | Djibouti | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_120 | Consultancy services - HR_1_2 | SER | 2019/05/01 | 16,592.47 | SOPHIA MWANGI | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_116 | Radio equipment | SUP | 2019/07/15 | 218,404.00 | DANIMEX COMMUNICATIONS A/S | Denmark | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_106 | Project - Diesel Generator | SUP | 2020/06/26 | 66,694.49 | TEKNOPOWER KENYA LTD | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_106 | Addendum no. 3 Project - Diesel Generator | SUP | 2021/09/20 | 24,712.06 | TEKNOPOWER KENYA LIMITED | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_102 | Project Comprehensive Events |
SER | 2020/02/27 | 284,852.34 | TRANSPARENCY SOLUTIONS LTD | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_096 | Project - Printing Services Somalia | SER | 2020/01/06 | 19,000.00 | SIGNJET PRINTING COMPANY | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_094 | Consultancy services - Project 2019 | SER | 2019/05/01 | 16,592.47 | NORAH MUTHEU MUTINDA | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_093 | Consultancy services - Procurement_3 | SER | 2019/05/01 | 15,668.59 | ALICE WANJA MAINA | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_090 | Printed material | SUP | 2019/04/09 | 16,000.00 | BRANDEYE LIMITED | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_090 | Printed Materials Addendum no. 2 | SUP | 2020/12/08 | 20,000.00 | BRAND EYE LIMITED | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_089 | Multimedia Outsourcing Services | SER | 2019/12/29 | 15,000.00 | ADMEDIA COMMUNICATION | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_087 | Promotional Items "Executive gifts, electronic promo items and giveaways" Lot 1 |
SUP | 2019/10/23 | 67,000.00 | CARL F.H. MOELLER GMBH | Germany | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_083 | Situational Reporting | SER | 2020/01/01 | 19,856.16 | VATES CORP | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_082 | Private Security Guarding Services Nairobi | SER | 2019/12/13 | 99,600.00 | G4S KENYA | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_081 | Security and Safety Equipment | SUP | 2020/02/21 | 19,998.00 | NOWAR SECURITY EQUIPMENT GMBH | Germany | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_080 | Private Security Services Somalia |
SER | 2020/02/19 | 11,799,600.00 | BELSTONE DART INTERNATIONAL | United Kingdom | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_071 | Hygiene 2019 | SER | 2019/04/30 | 15,000.00 | ANALABS LTD | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_065 | Consultancy services - HR_2 | SER | 2019/05/01 | 15,668.59 | DORIS WANGAI | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_055 | Fuel FOG | SUP | 2019/08/31 | 20,000.00 | DALMAR FUEL COMPANY | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_054 | Fuel MHQ 2019 | SUP | 2019/05/15 | 20,000.00 | SKA INTERNATIONAL GROUP | United Arab Emirates | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_053 | Fuel NBO |
SUP | 2020/02/27 | 20,000.00 | OLA ENERGY KENYA | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_041 | Lease Agreement Nairobi | SUP | 2020/01/13 | 1,092,912.56 | CBA PROPERTY HOLDINGS | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_035 | Consultancy services - GSS_1 2019_1 | SER | 2019/03/19 | 18,440.22 | JOSEPH IRUNGU NDABU | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_033 | Consultancy services - Finance_3 | SER | 2019/05/01 | 15,206.65 | CATHERINE NALIAKA WAVOMBA | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_032 | Consultancy services - Finance_2 | SER | 2019/05/01 | 17,516.34 | KEN STANLEY GITAU MAKARA | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_031 | Consultancy services - Finance_1 2019 | SER | 2019/05/01 | 19,826.04 | CAROLINE MUJAKACHI | Zimbabwe | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_030 | Navision Microsoft Dynamics | SER | 2020/01/01 | 19,600.00 | CYBERCILL AFRICA | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_029 | Financial Liability insurance | SER | 2019/10/15 | 16,582.16 | VANBREDA RISK & BENEFITS | Belgium | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_023 | DMS Support Outsourcing 2019 | SER | 2019/04/01 | 17,290.00 | MEGASOFT SRL | Italy | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_022 | Anti-virus Software |
SER | 2020/05/20 | 15,563.10 | SYSTEMHAUS KRICK GMBH UND COKG | Germany | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_017 | Consultancy services - CIS 2019 | SER | 2019/05/01 | 18,902.16 | LAWRENCE WACHIURI | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_016 | Rental of Radio Site Modagishu | SER | 2019/11/04 | 15,840.00 | JAZEERA PALACE HOTEL | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_007 | GSM services NBO 2019 | SER | 2019/08/01 | 16,000.00 | SAFARICOM LIMITED | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_004 | Operational and Support Equipment | SUP | 2019/03/19 | 19,756.00 | NOWAR SECURITY EQUIPMENT GMBH | Germany | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_003 | GSM services MHQ 2019 | SER | 2019/05/01 | 19,200.00 | HORMUUD TELECOM | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_001 | Internet connectivity MHQ Lot 2 |
SER | 2019/03/30 | 15,012.00 | SOMCAST NETWORKS | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2019_001 | Internet connectivity MHQ Lot 1 |
SER | 2019/03/29 | 519,375.00 | SOMCAST NETWORKS | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_113 | Custom Clearance services | SER | 2019/05/25 | 15,000.00 | GULF AGENCY MARILL SERVICE LTD | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_111 | Internet Bridge NBO | SER | 2018/12/01 | 19,144.00 | SIMBANET COM LTD | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_107 | Utility vehicle for the Swedish project_RELAUNCH | SUP | 2018/11/05 | 19,027.00 | GUUL GROUP | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_106 | Emergency_rations | SUP | 2018/11/08 | 15,593.00 | NOWAR SECURITY EQUIPMENT GMBH | Germany | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_103 | Stationary Items | SUP | 2019/03/25 | 80,000.00 | DELPA STATIONERS LIMITED | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_099 | Police_Database_GWE | SUP | 2018/11/21 | 19,453.00 | IRMAN TECHNOLOGY | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_098 | Temp_shelter_Swedish_Boat | SUP | 2018/10/08 | 18,614.00 | GUUL GROUP | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_097 | Slipway_Berbera | SER | 2018/08/25 | 16,172.00 | GUUL GROUP | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_095 | Tracking_system_VSAT | SER | 2018/07/13 | 26,962.00 | AIRBUS | Netherlands | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_093 | Basic _Medical_Consumables | SUP | 2018/11/09 | 19,715.00 | AP SERVICES | Denmark | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_091 | Radio VHF_MPU_MOG | SUP | 2018/08/30 | 19,701.00 | BELSTONE DART INTERNATIONAL | United Kingdom | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_085 | Spare Parts_GWE | SUP | 2018/05/27 | 16,070.24 | HARGEISA AUTOMOTIVE COMPANY | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_084 | Maintenance_HGS | SER | 2018/06/15 | 20,000.00 | HARGEISA AUTOMOTIVE COMPANY | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_082 | Consulting Services_Admin | SER | 2018/11/28 | 18,500.00 | LILIAN ATIENO | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_074 | Situational Reporting | SUP | 2018/12/07 | 19,856.16 | VATES CORP | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_069 | Translation_SER | SER | 2018/03/28 | 20,000.00 | SEAMLESS EVENTS SOLUTIONS | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_067 | MVBTC | SUP | 2018/08/27 | 168,995.00 | FRONTIER SERVICE GROUP EAST AFRICA LIMITED | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_066 | Refurbishment_Government_Office | SUP | 2018/12/05 | 200,000.00 | IAG INTERNATIONAL | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_066 | Refurbishment Government Office Addendum no. 2 | SUP | 2020/12/09 | 50,000.00 | IAG INTERNATIONAL L.C.C. | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_064 | Consulting Services_PROJ | SER | 2018/05/23 | 18,062.00 | NORAH MUTHEU MUTINDA | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_063 | Multimedia & Training outsourcing | SER | 2018/11/05 | 19,460.00 | BAREFOOT INK | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_058 | Individual First Aid Kits | SUP | 2018/07/13 | 22,487.00 | AP SERVICES | Denmark | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_053 | Consulting Services HR_I | SER | 2018/05/28 | 18,161.00 | DORIS WANGAI | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_052 | Financial Software_Navision | SER | 2018/12/20 | 19,882.00 | VEGA SOFTWARE LIMITED | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_051 | Financial Liability insurance 2019 | SER | 2018/10/16 | 15,000.00 | VANBREDA RISK & BENEFITS | Belgium | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_049 | Consulting Services Finance_II | SER | 2018/10/24 | 17,600.00 | KEN STANLEY GITAU MAKARA | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_048 | Consulting Services Finance_I | SER | 2018/10/11 | 19,500.00 | CAROLINE MUJAKACHI | Zimbabwe | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_044 | Consulting Services CIS_I | SER | 2018/12/19 | 17,240.00 | LAWRENCE WACHIURI | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_040 | Equipment _CIS | SUP | 2018/10/01 | 2,000,000.00 | CANCOM ON LINE GMBH | Germany | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_038 | Virtual Co-Location | SER | 2018/11/20 | 20,000.00 | CONTABO GMBH | Germany | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_036 | GSM_NAI | SER | 2018/06/30 | 19,800.00 | SAFARICOM LIMITED | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_035 | VSAT_backup_MOG_HGS_GWE | SER | 2018/11/12 | 295,399.00 | AIRBUS | Netherlands | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_032 | FWC Comprehensive Events | SER | 2018/03/14 | 580,000.00 | TRANSPARENCY SOLUTIONS | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_031 | Consulting Services _III | SER | 2018/11/23 | 17,600.00 | ANGELINE MUTUMI KATUNGA | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_030 | Consulting Services_GSS_II | SER | 2018/07/02 | 19,800.00 | JOSEPH NDABU | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_029 | Consulting Services_GSS_I | SER | 2018/04/17 | 16,500.00 | KENNETH K. KIMUTAI | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_021 | Extra 3 containers Addendum no. 1 |
SUP | 2019/05/31 | 54,858.00 | INDIAN OCEAN PROPERTIES LLC (BANCROFT) | United States of America | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_021 | Lease Agreement Mogadishu - Additional Spaces Addendum no. 2 |
SUP | 2019/12/01 | 906,992.52 | INDIAN OCEAN PROPERTIES LLC (BANCROFT) | United States of America | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_021 | Rental premises MOG | SUP | 2018/10/18 | 16,480,512.00 | INDIAN OCEAN PROPERTIES LLC (BANCROFT) | United States of America | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_020 | Rental premises HGS | SUP | 2018/10/01 | 2,613,324.73 | AMBASSADOR HOTEL | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_020 | Lease Agreement Hargeisa Addendum no. 3 | SUP | 2020/10/13 | 1,029,488.00 | AMBASSADOR HOTEL | Somalia | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_017 | Maintenance Ford Everest NAI | SER | 2018/07/20 | 20,000.00 | CMC MOTORS | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_015 | Maintenance&Spare_MOG | SER | 2018/11/12 | 149,737.00 | SAAB KENYA LTD | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_014 | Fuel_cards_Nairobi | SUP | 2018/12/17 | 20,000.00 | OIL LYBIA | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_009 | Consulting Services PROC_III | SER | 2018/10/26 | 16,632.00 | ALICE WANJA MAINA | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_008 | Consulting Services_PROC_II | SER | 2018/05/18 | 19,500.00 | NIMA HASSAN | Djibouti | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_005 | Fuel MHQ_Mogadishu | SUP | 2018/04/20 | 20,000.00 | SKA INTERNATIONAL GROUP | United Arab Emirates | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2018_001 | Visibility Items | SUP | 2018/03/09 | 19,785.00 | FALCON CREST | Italy | ||||||
PROC_ECN_2017_118 | CIS Equipment | SUP | 2018/06/12 | 106,703.00 | CANCOM ON LINE GMBH | Germany | ||||||
PROC_ECN_2017_108 | Private Security Services Somalia - Additional Services Addendum no. 1 |
SER | 2019/12/07 | 1,350,000.00 | BELSTONE DART INTERNATIONAL | United Kingdom | ||||||
PROC_ECN_2017_100 | Lease Agreement Garowe Addendum no. 1 |
SUP | 2020/01/24 | 3,967,522.26 | PHYSICAL RISK SOLUTION | United Arab Emirates | ||||||
PROC_ECN_2017_082 | Travel Agency Services Addendum No. 2 |
SER | 2020/02/25 | 300,000.00 | ELITE TRAVEL SERVICES | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECN_2017_032 | VSAT_airtime_2017 Addendum 1 |
SER | 2018/05/31 | 56,719.00 | AIRBUS | Netherlands | ||||||
PROC_ECN_2017_016 | Internet_MOG&NAI Addendum 1 |
SER | 2018/06/06 | 30,510.00 | SIMBANET COM LTD | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECN_2017_013 | Consulting Services HR_II | SER | 2018/04/26 | 15,050 .00 | SOPHIA MWANGI | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECN_2016_015 | Audit Services (mandate 2015_2016) | SER | 2018/05/22 | 20,600.00 | DELOITTE | Belgium | ||||||
PROC_ECN_2015_052 | Rental premises NBO 2019 Addendum no. 5 |
SUP | 2018/12/15 | 445,137.00 | CBA HOLDINGS | Kenya | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_018 | FWC M-Files License upgrade II | SER | 27/09/2022 | 125,000.00 | VM Consulting CC | SOUTH AFRICA | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_021 | Transport of AVs from Field Office Mogadishu to Field Office Garowe | SER` | 24/10/2022 | 114,200.00 | Alpha Cargo Line ltd. | KENYA | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2022_034 | FWC M-Files Training and Support Administration, Configuration and Development | SER |
05/01/2023 |
63,000.00 | David Ionel | ROMANIA |
PROC_ECS_2022_036 | Travel Management Services | SER | 31/03/2023 | USD 2591.50 | Satguru Travel and Tours Services Ltd. | KENYA | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_028 | VOIP Services | SER | 20/04/2023 | 10,000.00 | Centrea CV | BELGIUM | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_002 | Nairobi soft skin vehicle | SUP | 20/04/2023 | 46,560.00 | Salvador Caetano Kenya LTD | KENYA | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_003 | Nairobi Internet connectivity | SER | 25/04/2023 | 12,334.05 | Safaricom PLC | KENYA | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_024 | Renovation and equipment for operation room-Puntland | SER | 13/06/2023 | USD 44,377.94 | Punt Property Engineering and real estate company LTD | SOMALIA | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_020 | Comprehensive events field offices Lot 1 | SER | 15/06/2023 | 114,050.16 | Ambassador Hotel Hargeisa | SOMALILAND | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_021 | Senior Procurement Assistant Consultancy Services | SER | 20/06/2023 | KES 2,671,800.00 | Ms. Mohamed Hassan Nima | KENYA | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_025 | IC meals for visitors/workshops Relaunch | SER | 03/07/2023 | 19,842.00 | Indian Ocean Properties, LLC | USA | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_035 | Lease Agreement FOP, Garowe Relaunch | LEASE | 04/07/2023 | USD 1,186,200.00 | Physical Risk Solution |
PROC_ECS_2023_046 | FWC M-Files License upgrade III | SER | 04/07/2023 | 135,000.00 | IT Clarity | SOUTH AFRICA | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_006 | Fuel Somaliland | SER | 05/07/2023 | 20,000.00 | ALFTTJSAIN FUELSTATION | SOMALILAND | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_009 | GSM and mobile data Mogadishu | SER | 14/07/2023 | 19,680.00 | Hormuud Telecom | SOMALIA | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_010 | GSM and mobile data Nairobi | SER | 07/08/2023 | KES 988,566.00 | SAFARICOM PLC | KENYA | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_040 | FWC M-Files Training and Support and ad-hoc Development | SER | 14/08/2023 | 131,250.00 | IT Clarity | SOUTH AFRICA | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_050 | Supply of Telescope Mast | SUP | 12/09/2023 | 7,000.00 | Danimex Communications A/S | DENMARK | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_014 | Supply of Office Chairs | SUP | 19/09/2023 | 12,212.00 | Victoria Furniture Limited | KENYA | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_041 | Supply of tires for Armoured Vehicles | SUP | 21/09/2023 | 45,675.60 | FGI Solutions Middle East | UAE | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_048 | Lease Agreement Berbera | LEASE | 29/09/2023 | 281,904.00 | Maansoor Hotel Berbera | SOMALILAND | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_053 | FOS Vehicle Maintenance | SER | 30/09/2023 | 45,000.00 | Mobile Fundi Technology | SOMALILAND | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_058 | Supply of coffee machines | SUP | 30/10/2023 | USD 3,726.00 | Ambassador Hotel Hargeisa | SOMALILAND | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_030 | Construction Materials and Installation | SER | 23/11/2023 | USD 26,000 | Host General Services | SOMALIA | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_029 | Perimeter wall Hargeisa Coast Guard HQ | SUP | 12/12/2023 | USD 20,993.64 | Handhis Construction Company | SOMALILAND | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_052 | Financial liability insurance | SER | 07/12/2023 | 13,662.50 | Vanbreda Risk & Benefits | BELGIUM | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_018 | Travel Management Company Services | SER | 29/09/2023 | USD 330,000 | BCD TRAVEL | KENYA | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_059 | FWC Pharmaceuticals | SUP | 45,237 | 15,000.00 | Lesleshwa Pharmacy Ltd | KENYA | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_022 | Hygiene Services | SER | 08/06/2023 | 14,402.77 | Annalabs Limited | KENYA | ||||||
PROC_ECS_2023_017 | FWC Ammunition | SUP | 01/08/2023 | 200,000.00 | FIOCCHI Munizioni S.P.A | ITALY |