EU Mission in Armenia inaugurates its new Headquarters in Yeghegnadzor

EU Civilian Operations Commander Stefano Tomat visited Armenia on 20 and 21 February 2023 to open the EU Mission in Armenia (EUMA) HQ in Yeghegnadzor. The inauguration ceremony  coincided with the adoption of the Council Decision launching EUMA by the EU Foreign Affairs Council on 20 February. He had meetings with PM Pashinyan, Foreign Minister Mirzoyan and his Deputy, the Secretary of the National Security Council, as well as the Head of the National Security Service and Commander of the Borderguards. The EU Civilian Operations Commander was accompanied in all meetings by newly appointed EUMA Head of Mission, Markus Ritter and EUDEL Chargé d’affaires a.i. Jan Plešinger.

MD Tomat opened EUMA Headquarters  by declaring that EUMA had reached Initial Operational Capability (some 50 staff currently deployed in EUMA), allowing the mission to begin operations. The inauguration ceremony was held the presence of the governors of the mission’s 6 Forward Operating Bases. Throughout his visit Stefano Tomat, stressed the spirit of partnership between the EU and AM, which was bolstered by the launch of EUMA. At the same time, he underlined that the Mission was a tool intended to support the political process which had to be driven forward first and foremost by the two parties, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Stefano Tomat visited Armenia on 20 and 21 February 2023 to open the EU Mission in Armenia