Joint statement for the Human Rights Day and 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Yesterday, 10 December, marked a significant milestone in our shared journey as a global community. 75 years ago the world came together with a shared vision—a vision that echoed the belief in the inherent worth and equal rights of every human being.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, stands as a testament to our collective efforts to build a world where justice, fairness, freedom and human dignity prevail. It signifies a ground-breaking moment in the history of humankind.

Today, the world may appear quite different, yet the Declaration's relevance and significance remain as undiminished as ever. While we have made substantial progress since the Declaration's adoption, challenges persist, hindering universal enjoyment of human rights by all individuals.

The European Union, since its foundation, has been committed to promoting peace and stability and to building a world founded on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Promoting respect, protection and fulfilment of human rights is also at the heart of our work in Armenia.

The Delegation of the European Union representing the EU in Armenia, has been promoting EU values, and building networks and partnerships in the country. Human rights are part of our day-to-day life. Human rights are universal, inalienable, indivisible and interdependent. This means that every person is entitled to human rights; all human rights are of equal importance, related and applicable at all times including in times of conflict and crisis.

As such, the Delegation of the European Union to Armenia actively supports reforms in the justice, police and education sectors. It also promotes equal rights through collaborative projects with civil society, focusing on gender equality and the human rights of all women and girls, the rights of persons with disabilities, labour rights, the rights of the child, the rights of LGBTIQ+-persons, combating violence and domestic violence, and advocating for independent media. The EU Delegation is also actively engaged in supporting the needs of displaced people. The European Union and Armenia have jointly committed themselves to working together for the benefit of the citizens of Armenia and to contributing to the strengthening of democracy, as well as political, economic and institutional stability.

This year the EU established a civilian Common Security and Defence Policy Mission in Armenia, known as the European Union Mission in Armenia (EUMA), with the aim of contributing to human security in conflict-affected areas in Armenia. Human rights are integrated in all of its activities and operations, including active engagement with civil society organisations working on human rights. EU monitors in the field meet with various individuals and communities who share their concerns but also their hopes.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, encompassing civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights and affirming their universal nature as inherent and inalienable to all human beings, built a robust foundation for our human rights efforts. In celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Declaration, we, at the EU, renew and reassert our dedication to advancing human rights in Armenia and across the globe.

  • Vassilis Maragos, Ambassador of the European Union to Armenia
  • Markus Ritter, Head of the European Union Mission in Armenia (EUMA)