EUTM-MOZ J8 Branch – Budget and Finances

Under the scope of Military Planning and Conduct Capability and European Peace Facility (EPF), the main tasks of the EUTM-MOZ J8 Branch – Budget and Finances, are to direct budget and contracting activities and advise the Mission Force Commander (MFCdr)/ Chief-of-Staff (COS) on financial issues.


Leading J8 team, J8 Head acts as the authorizing officer for signing contracts and authorizing all budget commitments or expenses ensuring that the requirements of legality and regularity are complied with.

The team is currently composed of the J8 Head, the J8 Accounting Officer and the J8 Non-Commissioned Officer. For the Branch to have its team complete, J8 Budget Officer should be recruited.

With the 2024 budget approved and meeting the Mission needs until the end of the mandate, the last 2023 couple of weeks were dedicated to signing the contracts for 2024 and preparing for the closure of the year.

On top of all the usual end-of-the-year accounting procedures, a major issue was, and still is, demanding J8 Team's full attention. It is related to the change of management systems from Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) to System Applications and Products (SAP) with some restrictions that may affect the normal rhythm of the Mission itself.

In close coordination with EPF-Operations Accounting Procedures, J8 Branch is doing its best to fulfil all the tasks and minimize the impact of this change.

In the past weeks, even though the current J8 Team is completely new, and much efforts were demanded, good communication, excellent coordination (as for now J8 Accounting Officer was deployed in Brussels), and strong team perseverance, made it possible to finalize some important tasks, namely the signature of the pending contracts, coordinate with J4 all the acquisition procedures and execute most of the payments to our suppliers.

With the change from EPM to SAP, new challenges will arise.

EUTM-MOZ J8 Team will be up to the task.