Camp Kassai
EUTM RCA - Press and information team


On 20th October 2023, the closing ceremony of the Communication Career Course took place in camp Kassai. The course lasted for 13 weeks and 15 students from Central African Armed Forces (FACA) succesfully graduated. The course contained several modules as Informatics, Pedagogy, French, International Humanitarian Law and Topography, all of them coordinated by the EUTM RCA instructors. The participants received certificates of attendance.

EUTM RCA EDP (Education Pillar) is of utmost importance in strengthening the locally owned military education system. It is orientated towards Senior and Junior Officers, NCOs as well as specialists and contributes to a lasting effect on the education delivered. The education provided by EUTM focuses creates a core of personnel, educated through specialized education, able to establish command and control over the FACA units.

During the closing of the ceremony, the EUTM RCA Mission Force Commander Brigadier General Cornel TONEA-BĂLAN highlighted the support of FACA and EUTM’s instructors in the education process. He also thanked CAR military authorities for the collaborative relationship provided, and expressed that EUTM as a non-executive mission remains committed in supporting the education process.