Local Statement on a forthcoming death penalty case in Vietnam

The Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam issues the following statement together with the diplomatic missions of Canada, the Kingdom of Norway and the United Kingdom.

The EU Delegation to Vietnam and the diplomatic missions of Canada, the Kingdom of Norway and the United Kingdom call on the Vietnamese authorities to halt the execution of Mr Nguyen Van Chuong (decision No. 02/2023/QD-CA).

We strongly oppose the use of capital punishment at all times and in all circumstances, which is a cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment and can never be justified, and advocate for Vietnam to adopt a moratorium on all executions.

Today, more than two thirds of the countries of the world have become abolitionist in law or practice, which confirms a global trend in favour of the abolition of the death penalty. No evidence exists to show that the death penalty serves as a more efficient deterrent to crime than imprisonment. Moreover, rehabilitation as an objective of modern criminal law is rendered impossible by the application of capital punishment. Furthermore, any errors - inevitable in any legal system - are irreversible.

We will continue to actively work to further the universal trend towards the eradication of the death penalty and stand ready to support Vietnam on a path towards abolition.