The European Union and the Government of Maldives are joining hands to improve access to justice and fight against corruption

The European Union and the Government of Maldives officially launched their new flagship initiative today to strengthen the rule of law and anti-corruption in the Maldives. This five year programme, funded by the European Union for a total amount of EUR 5 million (MVR 83 million), is based on the Maldives’ priority needs and reforms, and will be implemented in close partnership with all relevant actors from the justice and anti-corruption sectors.

Speaking at the signature ceremony, Peteris Ustubs, Director for Asia, Middle East and the Pacific, Directorate General for International Partnerships, highlighted that “it is a testimony of the European Union’s strong commitment to partner with the Maldives to strengthen and consolidate good democratic governance and justice reforms in the future. The new € 5 million flagship programme funded by the EU will support a better access to justice, including for the most vulnerable communities such as survivors of gender-based violence, as well as strengthen the efficiency of justice service delivery across the country through digitalisation, and help fight corruption through adequate laws and empowered institutions.

At the EU financing agreement signing ceremony, His Excellency Ahmed Khaleel, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, noted, “We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the European Union for its generous assistance in our ongoing fight against corruption and our dedicated efforts to strengthen governance. The Maldives stands committed towards enhancing the independence, transparency and effectiveness of the justice system. With the promotion and protection of human rights as an important priority of the Government, we are happy to see the emphasis on the need to ensure access to justice for everyone, including the most vulnerable segments of society under this initiative. Together with the EU's support, we forge ahead towards a brighter future for the Maldives.”

The ’Strengthening the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption’ programme will build upon and complement  the achievements and lessons learnt from past EU initiatives in the sector. Its main objective is to strengthen the rule of law and reduce corruption in the Maldives, through: (1) supporting the country in developing an effective, accountable and inclusive justice system, and; (2) strengthening anti-corruption efforts through better legal frameworks, institutional capacity building and improving public perception.