The Delegation of the European Union to Nepal is a fully-fledged diplomatic mission. It plays an essential part in its political, economic, and commercial relations with the country.

The Delegation plays a crucial role in supervising the implementation of EU co-operation programs in Nepal, a role that is steadily increasing.

The Delegation works closely with the diplomatic missions of the EU countries, serving as a venue for meetings that involve the EU as a whole, acting as the contact point for joint cultural initiatives.

  • Image
    EU Delegation to Nepal office in Neelsaraswoti Marg, Lazimpat, Kathmandu

    EU Delegation to Nepal office in Neelsaraswoti Marg, Lazimpat, Kathmandu

    Copyright: EU DEL Nepal


What we do

The EU Delegation to Nepal is one of the 140 diplomatic missions that represent the EU across the globe. It aims to strengthen EU-Nepal relations by taking up diverse roles

The delegation represents the European Union in Nepal and presents its positions and interests to the government of Nepal with the objective of consolidating EU-Nepal relations.

It works as a bridge between the EU and Nepal and communicates on the policies and developments and in particular on the European integration process. Moreover, the Delegation works closely with representatives of EU Member States in Nepal on matters of interest to the European Union.

The core of the European Union’s engagement is to position EU support along with the EU values, Nepal’s development objectives, and joint global commitments while offering cooperation instruments adequate for the different phases of the graduation from the least developed country process until 2030 and beyond.

The EU Delegation works closely with the Government of Nepal and the EU Member States in the true spirit of Team Europe to assist the country tackle the detrimental impact of COVID-19 and thereby forge wider partnerships for a green, resilient and inclusive recovery.

The EU is a major contributor to the COVAX facility, which has already donated 348,000 doses of vaccines to Nepal with more to come. The total contributions will cover 20% of Nepal’s population.

The primary focal areas of cooperation are inclusive green growth, human capital development, and good governance. Inclusive green growth supports the efforts at local level to achieve a green economy and sustainable growth based on the green, resilient, inclusive, and resilient development of its economy and natural resources. Human capital programs include support to education and technical and vocational training reforms as well as other services such as support to nutrition service deliveries. Good governance promotes equity by implementing the federal system in an inclusive, transparent manner and improving service delivery. All those sectoral actions, designed in close cooperation with Nepalese partners, are interlinked to improve their coherence. For instance, vocational training and agriculture aims to reinforce together in the capacity to improve livelihoods.

The EU in Nepal has been working hand in hand with the Government of Nepal, EU Member States, and Development Partners to help Nepal achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Structure of the Organisation

EU Delegation to Nepal functions under five sections

The five sections include:

  • Political Press and Information Section. 
  • Cooperation Section.
  • Administration Section. 
  • Finance & Contract Section.
  • Humanitarian & Civil Protection Office of the European Commission (ECHO).

The political and press section oversees all political and press issues. Its role is to build political and cultural linkages between the EU and the Nepalese.

Similarly, the Cooperation section is responsible for programming, executing, and overseeing the cooperation portfolio and relations with partners. The EU Delegation to Nepal currently runs around 60 development projects with the Government of Nepal, Development Partners, UN Agencies, and the Civil Society. A large part of EU assistance to Nepal is in the form of budget support.

Similarly, the Finance and Contract Section is responsible for ensuring sound financial management of all agreements and contracts —payment executions and auditing of expenditures.

The Administration Section looks after all day-to-day administration at the delegation.