Europe Day in Brazil: Lighting of São Paulo’s iconic Octavio Frias de Oliveira Bridge (Ponte Estaiada)


For the first time the Europe Day Reception was held in Brazil’s biggest city and financial hub, São Paulo. The city’s iconic Bride Octavio Frias de Oliveira was the scene of a light show as part of the wider communication campaign “The Power of &”. The bridge symbolizing the EU’s close relations with Brazil. A drone show completed the visual appeal of the celebrations.

As part of the ceremony, EU Ambassador Schuegraf awarded the 2024 EU Human Rights Prize. A special re-arrangement of the EU anthem in Brazilian funk rhythm had its premiere by a popular group of women in wheelchairs.

Supported by strong presence of the private sector, the event highlighted the creation of quality jobs for young Brazilians through vocational training / internships with EU companies.

The event also honoured the 40th anniversary of the ‘Direitas Já’ democratic movement, Brazil’s most successful popular mobilization to end dictatorship in 1984, with main demonstrations just on this bridge underscoring the EU’s global promotion of Democracy.