Te Hono Ki Aotearoa


The Netherlands Embassy is organising three free events in February to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Te Hono ki Aotearoa (The Link to New Zealand), co-hosted by Toi Maori Aotearoa in collaboration with Jan Bieringa, Waitangi Treaty Grounds and the National Library of New Zealand. The first event will be on 4 February on the Waitangi Treaty Grounds, the second event on 11 February at the National Library in Wellington, and the third event will be on 18 February at the Village Theatre in Golden Bay's Takaka.

This year is the 10-year anniversary since the waka taua (war canoe) Te Hono ki Aotearoa (The Link to New Zealand) was ceremonially gifted, on permanent loan, to the Museum Volkenkunde, the Netherlands Ethnology Museum in Leiden. This is the only waka taua in the Northern Hemisphere. The late Sir Tā Hekenukumai “Hector” Busby built the waka. It was his 27th waka, and he saw the exchange as part of a bigger intercultural partnership.

To raise awareness of this unique intercultural partnership, the Netherlands Embassy will be screening the documentary, “Te Hono ki Aotearoa” by New Zealand film maker Jan Bieringa. The Netherlands Ambassador Mira Woldberg will give remarks.

Following the documentary there will be a panel discussion on the theme: 10th anniversary of the waka Te Hono ki Aotearoa, connecting people and navigating a future course.

For more information and registration visit the eventbrite pages: Waitangi, Wellington, and Takaka. You can also check their Facebook Event page for the event pages and more information.





See also

Waitangi Treaty Grounds Tau Henare Drive Waitangi, Northland; 70 Molesworth Street Wellington, Wellington; Village Theatre 32 Commercial Street Takaka, Tasman , Waitangi; Wellington; Takaka
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