Eurօpe Day 2024 Message frօm EU Ambassador Vassilis Maragos


Barev Dzez,

On 9 May, we celebrate the Day of Europe. This is the day of the Schuman Declaration, the appeal made in 1950 by the then foreign minister of France, Robert Schuman, an appeal for European unity and peace in Europe and the world. Back then, Europe was still devastated by the consequences of war; and peace, reconciliation and concrete steps for a joint future were taken by the generation of visionary Fathers of Europe. Here, I want to acknowledge the contribution of the countless Armenians who fought against fascism and totalitarianism. 

Back in 1950, Europeans chose the future instead of the past: peace instead of war; unity, friendship, solidarity, and equality instead of hate and division. Over the years, the European Union has been the driving force for peace, stability and prosperity on the continent. This year in May, we also celebrate the 20th anniversary of the fifth enlargement when the citizens of 10 states from central, eastern and southern Europe became EU citizens, making us stronger. Today, despite of the challenges we continue to fight for our values, for prosperity and freedom, and for a rules-based international order. The EU has continually exemplified the power of unity in diversity. 

Here in Armenia, we also celebrate Europe Day. It is an occasion to learn more about the European Union's initiatives in Armenia and reaffirm our joint commitment to a future of peace, democracy, prosperity, and solidarity.

This year, Europe Day will be celebrated from 9 May to 7 June in Yerevan, and in provinces, mainly Lori and Syunik. With a photo exhibition in Yerevan under the title "Europe is us" we intend to showcase the transformative impact of cooperation with the EU on people’s lives. 

Through cultural events and fairs in Lori and Goris, guests will get acquainted with EU-funded projects and initiatives. In Lori, we will concentrate on our investments in education and promote media literacy. In Goris, we will showcase our “Resilient Syunik” Team Europe Initiative, which has already mobilised more than EUR 120 Million in investments in the region’s economy, society, and infrastructure. The European Film Festival will run from 29 May to 7 June, providing an opportunity to watch selected films from EU member states and Armenia.

The EU and Armenia work together to deepen their cooperation. A new partnership agenda will bring our cooperation to a new level, covering mobility and migration, increased energy and transport connectivity, trade diversification, education, research, and innovation. Our support to the democratic reforms will continue and we will work together to enhance strategic communication and media resilience. Our cooperation with civil society will be also key to ensure nobody is left behind.

The EU supports peace and normalisation in the region. The presence of the civilian EU Mission in Armenia, which monitors the situation on the Armenian side of the border with Azerbaijan, is a testimony to our commitment.

The newly announced resilience and growth plan will further strengthen Armenia. A resilient society and a stronger, diversified economy with investments in connectivity and businesses will be key for the country’s future.

Happy Europe Day to all! Shnorhavor Yevropayi Ory.

Please watch the message here.