Europe Day Concert - Buy your tickets!

The EU Delegation to Australia, in partnership with the Canberra International Music Festival, is presenting a concert on Sunday 8th May in celebration of Europe Day on the 9th May. The EU considers music vital to safeguarding Europe’s cultural diversity. Music is the universal language of humankind and holds a unique, creative and cohesive power for both society and the individual.


Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony no. 6, Pastoral, arr. Hummel


Witold Lutoslawski: Paganini Variations

Camille Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals


Australian Haydn Ensemble

Sally Walker, flute

Naoto Segawa, percussion

Ben Ward, double bass

New Zealand String Quartet

Edward and Stephanie Neeman, piano

With Jonathan Biggins, actor


The Last Mile Concert



07:30 pm - 08:30 pm
Fitters' Workshop Printers Way, Kingston ACT 2604
How to join?

Book your tickets at

  • General Admission $85.00,
  • Concession $78.00