The European Union provides $470,000 to assist flood victims in Cambodia


The European Union is providing $470,000 (€400.000 or 1.9 billion Cambodian Riel) to provide critical humanitarian assistance to families affected by severe flooding, which has wreaked havoc across large parts of Cambodia since the beginning of October. The aid will focus on addressing the urgent needs of the most affected people in the worst hit provinces in the country’s northwest.

“This contribution underlines our solidarity with the people of Cambodia, many of whom have suffered the loss of homes, livelihoods and belongings in the wake of the devastating floods,” said Olivier Brouant, who oversees the EU’s humanitarian response in the Mekong region. “The EU funding will support our humanitarian partners in delivering life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable, ensuring they have enough means to go through this difficult time.”

The funding, which is part of the EU’s Acute Large Emergency Response Tool (ALERT), will support Save the Children and World Vision in delivering much-needed assistance to those most in need. This includes the distribution of clean water, hygiene kits and other essential relief items while ensuring access to sanitation facilities and good hygiene practices. Cash transfers will also be provided, allowing people to buy food or items of their choice. Special attention will be placed on the most vulnerable and marginalized groups, including female-headed households and people with disabilities.