133rd Session of the Committee of Ministers (17 May 2024) - Intervention by M. Schinas, Vice President of the European Commission for Promoting our European Way of Life

I am honoured to be here, one year after the Reykjavik Summit and 75 years after the Council of Europe started its work in the pursuit of peace, democracy and a better life for Europeans.

We should not spend too much time on the diagnosis of what Europe is facing. We are in sober and dark times. Our society is under attack. In such an unstable geopolitical context, Europe is emerging as an anchor of stability, a contributor for solutions to the world’s problems. And Strasbourg is the epicentre of democracy. Just a few weeks before the European elections, this meeting in Strasbourg today is an important signal for our European values.

The Union is committed to continue strengthening its strategic partnership with the Council of Europe in the context of the Reykjavik Summit follow-up process and beyond.

Having joined the Register of Damage for Ukraine last year, the Union launched the procedure to become a fully-fledged participant.

The Union is committed to taking forward discussions in the Core Group on the establishment of a special tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine.

The launch in 2023 of the International Centre for the Prosecution of Crime of Aggression against Ukraine at Eurojust was a crucial step towards full accountability.

Further to the Russian aggression, many Ukrainian citizens, including children, found refuge in Member States.  I’m proud that the Temporary protection directive was activated, helping Ukrainian refugees to get quality education and jobs. 

For the reconstruction and recovery of Ukraine, through the Ukraine Facility, the Union can provide up to €50 billion assistance, that will also strengthen the rule of law, democratic institutions and fight against corruption.

Another major development for the Union, is its accession to the Council of Europe Istanbul Convention. This reinforces the Union’s human rights legal framework and sends a strong message to all victims of violence against women and domestic violence.

Let me also reiterate that the EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights remains a priority.

In the context of EU enlargement, recent developments on Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, represent an opportunity to continue our cooperation through joint programmes. Our cooperation on the enlargement package and the EU Rule of Law reports will certainly continue benefit from the input from the CoE. 


In this year of institutional and political change in Europe, the Union is committed to developing further the political dialogue with the Council of Europe.

En ces temps difficiles, l’Union Européenne et Conseil de l’Europe sont plus nécessaires que jamais. C’est important d’unir nos forces pour renforcer la démocratie en Europe, inverser le recul démocratique, promouvoir l’État de droit et faire respecter les droits de l’homme. Cela fait partie des origines, de l’ADN et de la mission de nos deux organisations.


Thank you.